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I know this may sound hilarious, but it was something i gathered when talking to most of my female friend who love to be l'icked
I came up with very Weird and astonishing points and it’s only fair if i let my fellow guys know.
Below are what run into her mind when she is l'icked
I’m gonna try and enjoy this and forget about his ex whom I know he’s been texting.

F*cking s'lut!! Why does she have to be so hot anyway?

Oooh my!!, it’s been 8 hours since I last washed it. Oooh sh*t, I think I should have warned him.

Jeez!!, this is so good. A little more to the left, a little more to the right. No no, a little more to the right. And you just ruined it!

I wonder where he learnt to do this.

F*ck!!, it must be that sl'utty ex of his. Maybe she taught him.

Damn it!!, I think he’s done. Does he want s'ex? Why I’m even asking, of course he wants s'ex.

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