I have always been a big girl. Bigger than my age that is. I have a very beautiful body and personality but a bit too big for my age. I have always been like this. Now i am 26 but you would swear i am 29 or more. Now i have always attracted older men or bad guys and now i finally thought i had met the one. He is turning 25 in August and i am ( for once in my life) the older one in a relationship. I sometimes hate him coz i get the feeling that because i am fat he wants to treat me like a sugar mommy. but i am only 1 year older than him.I am tired of him hurting me. I get the feeling that he has a younger skinnier lover and me i am just the for sex and do him favours. The dude has never invited me to his home or to meet his people but he knows my home and people like hell. When i dump him he declares his undying love for me but when i decide to stay in the relationship he never has time for me and makes me feel as if he is doing me a favor by spending time with me. Will i ever feel good about myself, will i ever be happy like other people, or am i going to be his dirty secret forever? i am scared of ending things compeletly coz i am a coward and i cant stand to one day see him with a better girl coz i am just a fat worthless ugly girl who looks older than she is.
Do you feel my pain?


  1. t sims yu lon 2 b lovd, bt d trick abt lov z.. Nvr 2 search for t, t fynds yu..
    Let go ov d fool n wait 4 sm1 who wu lov n apriciet yu 4 yu...!!
    Trust in God, wt him evlytn z posible.

    Kind regards.......!

