I was raped by a family friend's son 5 months ago.

I didn't tell anybody except my boyfriend who was enraged by the situation then. Not so long ago the rapist appeared again with remorse. Now he wants me not only to forgive him but also to marry him.

His dad is doing everything possible for the marriage to work out. But the problem is that I hate this guy with all my heart. I might murder him if I eventually marry him.

I don't know how to tell my parents that I don't want to marry him without revealing what had happened.

I know that my daddy will stop at nothing to see him rot in jail and that will publicise the whole thing.

My boyfriend (now fiance) has gotten over the whole thing and we're getting on very fine. How do I convince my parents that this guy is not right for me, without blowing my cover?


  1. Pls, dnt marry him. If your parent insist you marry him. Pls unveil the whole seceret to them.

