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1. 'Its not my interest to build prisons. Our interest is to develop you and reduce crime by empowering the people'-Pres. Jonathan
2. 'We are building a country for a digital generation. The average age of millionaires globally is 35'-President Jonathan.
3. 'In another 25-30 years, you will not know the difference between Nasarawa and Abuja'-President Jonathan
4. We want to change that concept that the Nigerian farmer is a poor man'-President Jonathan
5. I can name hundreds of scholarships GEJ gave students in his 1st 20 months. I offer ₦10k to Buhari fans-name a scholarship he gave. by Reno
6. I can name many critics Buhari jailed banned in his 20 months in power. I offer ₦10k to Buhari fans-name a critic in jail under GEJ by Reno
7. I can name several train routes GEJ revived in his 1st 20 months in office. I offer ₦10k to Buhari fans to name 1 train he revived. by Reno
8. I can name 10 women ministers GEJ appointed in his 1st 20 months in power. I offer ₦10k to Buhari fans-name one woman he appointed. by Reno
9. I can name 9 Universities and 50 Almajiri schools President Jonathan built in his first 20 months in office. I offer ₦10,000 to a Buhari supporter who can name just one school General Buhari built in his 20 months as a military dictator. by Reno
10. Irony is when Buhari who banned NANS and didnt build a school in
20 months in office, criticizes GEJ who built 9 unis in 20 months.
11. "With pride, I am able to again affirm, I eat rice grown in Nigeria"-President Jonathan.
12. Time for honest feedback. If you agree that under President Jonathan elections have been free and fair THUMB UP 4 HIM….
13. Makurdi residents couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the Makurdi-PH Trains restored by Jonathan.
14. President Jonathan is the 14th Head of Govt/President of Nigeria. How fitting that the 14th will be re-elected on the 14th of Feb!
15. @CNN 3 days ago said Nigeria is 3rd fastest growing in world. Who is the economist that will say our economy isnt good?"-Pres GEJ
16. Nigeria is not a zoological garden. It is not a Forest. It must be a country governed by rules"-President GEJ
17. "We set up YouWIN because our young people shouldn't carry their certificates to look for jobs. They should create jobs"-Pres. GEJ
18. Makurdi-PH, Lagos-Kano & PH-Enugu railways have been revived. Under Jonathan, progress has spread faster than wild fire in Nigeria!
19. "Kwara children now see trains. They no longer just see trains from cartoons and films"-President GEJ
20. The Jonathan administration has built more schools than any other government so @APC Nigeria and its members can learn proper use of grammar. by Reno
21. Almighty God, we pray that you frustrate the plans of those wanting to rig elections or cause violence after elections. Share to say amen! by Reno
22. f Buhari's followers violently attack a sitting President when they're not in power how will they treat critics if they get power? by Reno

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