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I could not help but double over with laughter this morning as I read what could have been breaking news had the timing been perfect. The story was about Malaika’s “supposed” nude pictures; and were the story on the front page or something, it could have been something. But it wasn’t. It was an inside story in The Herald and one of many stories on the local tabloids. Very interesting when you think that last year when it was Thabiso Phiri, SHE was on the front page of everything and everyone was talking about it before they had even read the news.
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Who is Malaika by the way? Well, she was Miss Zimbabwe 2011, a very beautiful and tall girl – one of those models you look at and you agree with the judges who made her career possible. And during her reign, she was a big deal, if I remember correctly and even now – at the relevant socialite places I should think. As for everywhere else where the masses are concerned, I doubt that it would be to err if we said she has since been forgotten. I mean besides the very few tabloids talking about her today, her most recent stories are from way back!
So for someone to then write of her nude pictures floating somewhere? Well now you get the humour hmm? But let’s say they really are out there and somebody leaked them. So what? It’s not like they are going to make any difference are they? She isn’t going to lose her title? Last I checked she wasn’t a popular brand ambassador of anything and frankly speaking, there is no scandal!
Let’s face it, nude pictures are only a juicy story if they are going to cause a scandal. And a scandal can only be there if something nasty is going to happen as a result. Lose a title, job, endorsement deals and the whole lot. I know you might think that I am a very callous human being, but that’s the ugly truth, and people enjoy those kind of stories.
If she were a musician, maaaybe we could have said interest would have been spiked and people would have gone berserk downloading her songs. It worked for Solange Knowles didn’t it, well the scandal bit that is. As for nude pics and sex tapes? Those are just tired, old and so last year you know. Hence my question earlier – so what if she has nude pics on the loose – what will we do with that information exactly?
But let’s for one moment assume that this whole thing isn’t a publicity stunt and that it just happened? Again, unless maybe if all the big papers put it on the front page and the pics go viral on the social networks – maybe then we’ll have something to talk about. Although things like this should give you financial benefit you know. If this is indeed a publicity stunt, I wonder if the model thought this through. Kind of reminds me of Usher’s attempt sometime last year to start a rumuor of a leaked sex tape. Nobody cares anymore!

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