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Pope Francis talked about the recent Charlie Hebdo killings. While defending freedom of expression saying its a fundamental human right, he also said‘you cannot insult the faith of others’
“One cannot provoke, one cannot insult other people’s faith, one cannot make fun of faith. There is a limit. Every religion has its dignity…in freedom of expression there are limits.”
He gestured to a friend and said “If my good friend Dr Gasparri says a curse word against my mother, he can expect a punchIt’s normal. It’s normal. You cannot provokeYou cannot insult the faith of others. You cannot make fun of the faith of others.”

Now your question is probably how those this relate to the headline just exercise Patients and continue reading…
Firstly 90% of Christians are all hypocrites and are Just as Ignorant as the Pope, i dont know why you people do not understand this statement Islam Was Built On top The Falsification Of Christianity Which insult is worse than this? Prophet Muhammad Claims that Christianity was built on Misconception he claims that
1. Gods convenant was with Abraham and Ishmeal(Not Isaac)
2 Jesus was never The Son Of God (Muslims say Jesus was though one of the best of men he was Just A Mere Man Like You And I Who Was Also A Prophet And A Servant Of Allah Who Preached About Islam.)
3. Jesus was never beaten or tortured for the sins of the world and lastly he was never crucified(Quran says Jesus Ascended into Heaven 100% unhurt) And Jesus Never Resurrected(I Mean he never died in the first Place) They claim it was The very Wicked Apostle Paul who invented all these Lies and Fabrications and he then corrupted the Original (Injeel) Gospel Jesus brought for mankind and gave to his disciples hence the Invention of The False Religion Called Christianity… So Therefore Allah Sent Prophet Muhammad about 600years after Jesus As The Last And Final Prophet For The Whole Of Mankind To Emulate For All Eternity. So Do Muslims not deserve Punches on their faces?
The Big Question Is Who Insulted Who First?
The answer is very simple and obvious from the inception of Islam Christianity or rather Christians have been insulted on a daily base, that is Christians are been insulted every single day for the past 1,400 years.
Now How Are Christians Been Insulted? 
The answer is not far-fetched Just Pick up A Quran And See What The Quran says about you and i (Christians in general including The Pope).
Reading The Quran from the starting to the ending you will find out that the most important Message found in the Quran is that All Who donnot believe in Islam and Prophet Muahammad are all Unbelievers and are Condemned to Hellfire. Christians are also categorized as Unbelievers because we do not accept Prophet Muhammad  ”All Christians Disbelieve In Muhammad And His Message (Islam)”… See What The Quran Says About You ‘Bloody'(Hehehe) Unbelievers Who Call Yourselves Christians;
Quran 98:6 – Christians Are The Worst Of Creatures *Explicit*
Quran 47:12  – Eats Like Beast
Quran 7:166 – Are Apes
Quran 5:60 – Are Pigs
Quran 8:55 – Worst Of Creatures Again
Quran 3:84-85 – Are Losers *Explicit*
Quran 2:10, 24:50 – Habitual Liars and Have A Diseased Heart
Quran 2:171 – Deaf, dumb and blind *Explicit*
Quran 2:217 – Works Shall be rendered ineffective…
Well i could list at least 20 more things but let us stop there for now… Now imagine you call yourself a Christian and these insults are referring to all Christians around the world including your Mother your Grand Mother and your Great Grand Mother so According to the Pope Both Allah Muhammad and all Muslims deserve several Punches on their faces right?.. Well i would like to appeal to all Christians Please donnot take the Popes advise but rather let me advise you on what you are supposed to do if someone calls your mother ‘Worst of Creatures’ (Like Quran 98:6 calls all Christians) my brothers and sisters donnot do him anything but rather put him in your prayers. or if he persists you can go and report him in a police station isnt that what the Police force is meant for? Settling Disputes??? even the bible says to turn the other cheek so where did The Pope get This his own sermon from? my people i am extremely sure that this dude has started reading the Quran (Because such sermons can only be found in there) few months back he did visit and prayed in a mosque didn’t he? soon he will start reciting the Shahada(Islamic Creed ‘Lailaha illaha…’).

Islams Greatest Insult Towards Christianity
‘The Divinity Of Jesus’
All Muslims keep bragging that Islam or Muslims have never Insulted Jesus As a matter of fact they say they respect Jesus even more than we Christians they also say they respect him even more than they respect Muhammad (But how many of them have killed for a cartoon of Jesus?), now looking at this from an ignorant perspective those statements are 100% true. I mean its not like you have ever seen any Muslim say words like ‘Jesus is a rapist’ or ‘Jesus is a pedophile’ or have you?
So then how is Jesus been Insulted?
its simple my Christian brothers just go out now and ask a Muslim Who Your So Called Almighty Son Of The Most High God Jesus Is and his or her answer according to The Pope deserves a death Penalty. How do i mean? You ask? Well its quite simple:
All Christians Believe That Jesus Is The Son Of God Almighty Who Came To Earth As Human Incarnate To Die For The Sins Of The World Right?
Well it would shock you to know that all 1.8billion Muslims around the world Disagree with this statement and have downgraded The son of God so badly, this is who they say The Son Of God Jesus Christ Is:
‘A Mere Man Like You And I Who Was Also A Prophet And A Servant Of Allah.’
  • Now let us do the Maths; A Painting Of Prophet Muhammad = Death Penalty
  • Saying ”Prophet Muhammad is A False Prophet” = Death Penalty.
  • Now What About Saying Jesus Who Is The Son Of God Is A Mere Man And A Servant = Using The Logic Of This Ignorant Pope What Should The Punishment Be???

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