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The February 14 Presidential and legislative elections is postponed for six weeks to give a new multinational force time to secure northeastern areas under the sway of Boko Haram.

Millions could be disenfranchised if the voting went ahead while the Islamic extremists hold a large swath of the northeast and commit mayhem that has driven 1.5 million people from their homes.
A postponement also will give electoral officials more time to deliver some 30 million voter cards.

The commission had said the non-delivery of cards to nearly half of the 68.8 million registered voters was not a good reason to delay the vote.

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  1. Whatever the fallout ot this decision, it is important to note that it would have been terribly unfair to have over 30 million Nigerians disenfranchised because of INEC's lopsided distribution of the Voters's Cards (PVC).

    I still can't wrap my head around why INEC would suggest that it was ok to go ahead with the elections with over half of the voters yet to be given their PVCs due to INEC's shoddiness. The fact that most of the voters yet to collect their cards are from the South makes INEC's position questionable. Is there a wonder why most analysts, including yours truly think that INEC may recently have been compromised a certain group in the North?

