Every relationship comes with some rough patches and good seasons, however, it becomes a source of concern if the bad times becomes extended.

If you are always disagreeing with your partner, even on small issues, and constantly fighting, then it's obvious that both of you are in the wrong relationship. 

Sometimes, it appears as if things are rosy again, and this gets you confused. Are you in love with this person or not?
Here are 7 sure signs that you are absolutely NOT in love with your partner:

  1. He is not the one you run to: When you are troubled about something, it is only normal that the first person you turn to is the man in your life. However, if you find it easier to confide in some other person who isn't your boyfriend/husband, then it means you don't trust him enough to share your feelings with him. This is a sure sign that there's trouble in paradise.

  2. Little things get you angry: When you pick a fight with him simply because he didn't tighten the toothpaste cap after use, or tell him to keep quiet when he whistles in the shower, it means you don't love him. If you do, you wouldn't make such a fuss over little things to the point of starting a quarrel. If every of his flaws irritate you or you find it quite unbearable to be beside him for more than 10 minutes, please end the relationship or else you're heading for disaster.

  3. You dress up with other men in mind: Dressing up for your man should be a pleasure and not a chore. If you catch your self daydreaming about some other guy or dressing to attract the attention of the guy in question, then there's a major problem. It means you're in a relationship with this other guy and not your current partner. Dear sister, you are so not in love with your boyfriend!

  4. The thought of marrying him makes you sick: Ladies start dreaming about walking down the aisle with the man they love from the very moment they realise that they have strong feelings for him. However, if you've been in a relationship with this guy for years and you still can't picture yourself standing beside him at the altar, or the thought of spending the rest of your life with him makes you sick in the stomach, then obviously you shouldn't be with him at all.

  5. You don't feel at home with his family: You know how it is in Nigeria when your guy's family get to know you're his leading lady and they start treating you like his wife. If you constantly feel nervous being around them or you feel guilty because you know deep down that you will never be their daughter-in- law, then of course, you know what that means. You don't belong there! 

  6. You always compare your relationship to others: If you love you're man and you're happy to be with him, you wouldn't care what other people are doing in their relationship. Even the little rough patches you experience in the relationship won't feel like problems because you'll always find a way to sort them out. But if that isn't the case in your relationship, then something is terribly wron somewhere.

  7. You don't respect each other: If you are always berating your man in public and he constantly returns the favour, you two should consider calling it quits before the situation gets out of hand. You wouldn't disrespect a person you love when you are together, let alone in public. Mind you, respect doesn't particularly have to do with age, it simply shows that you value your partner and the role he plays in your life.