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I know many people may not easily relate with my plight but i hope someone understands me and advise me better.
I am a young man of 33 and ready to settle down. I have met a young lady of 26 yrs and i have grown to like her alot and have been thinking of settlin down with her. But i have often been discouraged about something that happened when she was in the University.
I don’t want to sound like i am using what she confided in me against her, but if i am going to spend all my life with her i need to know that this will not come back to hurt me later.
She confessed to me how she was raped by her cultist boy friend and his friends in the University, infact she was turned into their sex toy as they instilled so much fear in her not to reveal this to anyone.
They took turns sleeping with her for weeks and yet she was too scared to tell anyone in fear of her life. She told me that her boy friend then and his friends will have sex with her in turns everyday for weeks that she will become so tired to even go to lectures and yet they will continue when they return in the evening.
To cut the long story short, i don’t know if what she has told me will create a negative picture in my mind whenever i get intimate with her. I need to be sure i won’t imagine the faces of these men when i am with my wife.
Please i am worried, what do i do? If you were in my shoes will you go ahead and marry her?

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