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...ever humble, ever loyal!
…ever humble, ever loyal!

Jonathan was resting jeje at his Otueke Country home after coming back from his Lecturing job at Rivers State College of Education and Alamesigha went to him and asked him to come and be his running mate – that was in 2002 – of course Jonathan accepted (na who dem go put sugar for him mouth and him go reject am) and the rest is now history, Alamesiegha got elected and Jonathan became Deputy Governor.
It is on record that Jonathan was very loyal even to a fault to his Governor that even up to this day as President he still differs to Alamesigha and addresses him as My Governor
When Alamesiegha fell out of favour with Obasanjo, Jonathan was even afraid to take over but Obasanjo blackmailed him into becoming Governor and so Jonathan was forced to become Governor and thus completed Alamesiegha’s tenure

So why then would anyone BLAME Jonathan for Alamesiegha’s misfortune. It was Obasanjo that orchestrated that action and executed it
In 2006 Jonathan was busy at Yenagoa preparing to participate in the PDP Primaries so as to become the Governor of Bayelsa State of his own right and then one evening when Obasanjo had finished a meal of Amala and ewedu soup with plenty bush meat and really feeling ON TOP OF THE WORLD, he picked his phone and dialed the then Bayelsa State Governor(Goodluck Jonathan) and told him that he has picked him to be the running mate to the then Presidential candidate of the PDP – Umaru Musa Yar’adua – of course Jonathan was over the cliff with joy and he prostrated for the Baba at Aso Rock who always got whatever he wanted when he was REIGNING AS KING.
Jonathan’s emergence as the Vice Presidential Candidate of the PDP in 2007 was a shocker to all those who had spent money campaigning to become the Presidential Candidate and who were even encouraged by Obasanjo himself to contest and campaign – people like Peter Odili, Sam Egwu, Achike Udenwa and others.

Jonathan was single handedly picked by Obasanjo to become Vice Presidential Candidate and the rest is now history. Yar’adua was elected and Jonathan became Vice President
Obasanjo knew that Yar’adua was sick but Jonathan did not know that and as Vice President, Jonathan again was loyal to a fault to the President – he was only to be seen but not heard. He always had to seek clearance from the then President Yar’adua before making any public statements.
And when President Yar’adua was away for a long time without transmitting power to the then Vice President Jonathan, to the point that even the then First Lady Turai Yar’adua and the other kitchen cabinet members of the President’s office held the nation by the throat, Jonathan made no sound or noise; it even came to a head when a group of Nigerians including late Professor Dora Akunyili had to come out openly to ask that the National Assembly should cause the Vice President to become the Ag. President pending the recovery of the President and after much dilly dallying, the then National Assembly under David Mark invoked the “Doctrine of Necessity” which was alien to the Constitution to make the then Vice President – the Acting President.

Eventually President Yar’adua died (may his soul rest in peace) and Jonathan had to be sworn in to complete Yar’adua’s tenure.
So why then would anybody BLAME Jonathan for the death of Yar’adua?
In 2010 Obasanjo again rooted for Jonathan despite all the noise made by the North that power should swing back to them because of the unfortunate event of the death of the President of northern extraction but Obasanjo stuck to his gun as a Military General that he is.
In 2011 Jonathan was elected by a wide margin to become Nigeria’s first President from the Southern Minority
Early in his Presidency, things started going awry between him and his god-father Obasanjo.
He partially removed SUBSIDY ON FUEL on fuel, saving billions of naira that were used to rub the backs of the cabal that included very highly placed persons
He removed more than 50, 000 names from the Federal Civil Service who had served as GHOST WORKERS from the time of the Presidency of those that we know very well
He introduced the EWALLET system in AGRICULTURAL INPUTS DISTRIBUTION and thus dismantled the middle man syndrome that held Nigerian farmers captive
He re-concessioned the Lagos – Shagamu express road from a non functioning Company that had backing from those we know very well to a performing Company that helped build Lagos State
He remodelled the airports and gave a cargo airport to each zone of the Country – they were not happy that the South East got an International Airport because they are still afraid of the Igbos who they hate with all the venom in them
He made the rail lines very functional again
He refused to be a sitting duck, he decided to be the man that Nigerians can hold responsible for the good governance of this Country
Obasanjo was amazed that the boy from Otueke had become a man at Aso Rock and so he has sworn to push him out of Aso Rock.
Nigerians, this is the story of Goodluck Jonathan. The man under whose hands God has favoured this Country much more than before. I may not have benefitted from his government as a person (after all I am my own government) but that does not in any way mean that he has not done well.
This 2015 election is not about Goodluck – what he has done or what he did not do
This 2015 election is about OIL BLOCKS AND OIC
They are afraid that because the man has developed thick skin and has dared them to their faces, he would not renew their oil block licenses which are due for a review and as for OIC, you already know better

This 2015 election is about the forces of evil and darkness and the forces of light
Take it or leave it, Jonathan represents light and if we must move forward as a Nation, Jonathan is the one to be there as President from 2015 to 2019
No matter what else we do, we must never allow the forces of evil and darkness to overrun and takeover this Country. I am not a pessimist but that would spell DOOM.
Nigerians Obasanjo has become so frustrated and bitter that he reportedly tore his PDP membership card all because Jonathan did not want to be a titular president, a figure head who would sit in Abuja and be taking orders from the Ota based farmer.

Without Obasanjo’s vote, Jonathan WILL STILL BECOME THE PRESIDENT because it is ONE MAN ONE VOTE and every vote MUST COUNT and be COUNTED

Nigerians – Think Wisely, Be Wise and Act Wisely on the 28th of March 2015 (i.e. if INEC agrees)

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