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For most people in Nigeria, government is all about food on the table. When I was talking with a friend yesterday and told him that Nigeria is among the fastest growing economy in the World, he looked at me and said how does that translate to food on the table.

Anyway, I have learnt that poverty exist even in the corners of the Wealthiest and most advanced countries of the World. I might have not traveled outside the shores of Nigeria, but via the internet I have virtually lived everywhere globally.

I have interacted with people, I have had cause to share ideas with others and share experience, I believe that life is not bed of roses everywhere. United States of America, who were the fading World Power have been declining in moral over the years, and this very ungodly affinity will cost them their position in the World. With a victory of Goodluck Jonathan in the coming election, Africa is more likely to shift towards Russia, the continent depends on Nigeria, and whoever Nigeria chose to partner with will invariably become the partner of Africa. Yes! Nigeria have been battered by insurgency and terrorism, a global trend.

American Government did not only abandoned Nigeria to suffer the self inflicted wounds of terrorism, they rather praying to see Nigeria split, so that the CIA can be praised. America refuse and even go extra mile to block the sales of military hardware’s. We know how the defense industry is booming in America, and we also know how terrorism is boomeranging in the World.

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