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I have read and heard so much about what a woman has to do to find a husband that I’ve compiled four simple steps I believe will help eliminate much of the fuss. Keep in mind that not all results are typical!
1. Be Real
Answer the Following Questions…Truthfully
Why do you want to get married?
What is marriage to you?
Do you want a marriage or a wedding? (or just a gorgeous dress)
If your answer leans more towards wanting a decadant wedding cake and that gorgeous wedding gown, stop reading this and go try on dresses, and sample wedding cake at the bakery. If you find that you really do want to spend the rest of your life with someone spe cial, here’s what you do to find him.
2. Stop Looking
Now that you’ve made up your mind that you really do want a partner in life, your next step is to stop looking. Iknow, you are asking how are you going to find your husband if you are not looking, searching, hunting. Well, why do women have to look for the man? Aren’t we the prize? The Bible says the man is supposed to find the wife, when he does, he finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Don’t you want your husband to get favor from God? I believe if you stop hunting, the right man will find you. Take time to enjoy yourself, have fun being single. I say relax, let him come to you. Patience is key!
3. Develop, Strengthen Your Relationship With God
After you’ve put away the hunting gear and you are now patiently waiting on your husband, start strengthening your relationship with God. God should be first in your life as well as your marriage. You are going to need God in your marriage, trust me! I believe if you pray about your desire to be married, God will honor that prayer, because God is for marriage.
When I was single, I was so tired of dating, I remember telling God that He would have to send my husband to me because I wasn’t going to look anymore. I decided to enjoy my life with my son. Three days after I said that, my would-be-husband approached me and gave me his number. I felt right at that moment that he was going to be my husband. I held off calling him for a few days”…come June, we’ll celebrate 15 years of marriage. It may not happen that fast for you, but, you never know what God has planned.
4. Enjoy Yourself
While you are waiting for your husband, do continue to enjoy life. Hang with your friends and family, travel, take a class, do whatever makes you happy. When your husband-to-be spots you, you don’t want him to see you unhappy. You have to have a life before you merge yours with his. You may meet him in class, at the store, over your aunt’s house, you never know.
In the end, I’m not saying you shouldn’t give up on online dating, blind dates or anything like that, just don’t be in such a rush that you miss out on the experiences God wants you to have before you become a wife. Relax and enjoy being you!

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