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Yesterday, a single woman replied the open letter from a married woman.  Now, an unmarried independent woman has something to say about both letters and she has a different point of view. Read below..

Dear Single and Married Ladies,

Thank you all for your letters, they have been quite enlightening & entertaining, nonetheless, extremely misleading.

I cannot speak for every lady in Nigeria but I surely refuse to stand by and let the two of you individuals speak for all ladies. I am currently unmarried but I do not fall under any of the categories of ladies that have spoken.

Yes I believe that some single ladies are to blame for this nasty trend of extramarital relationships. In the same vein I also believe that these men are also responsible for this. This is a 2-way street. No one person can achieve a relationship on their own.

I am of pretty high moral standard. I am no goody 2-shoes but I have my standards and principles. I do not date married men.  I do not accept money from men. There are many unmarried women like myself. We exist. We are not extinct. Young ladies and girls, please watch us, not these other species of women.

Married women, if your husband is cheating on you: your husband is to blame. You have to accept the fact that HE is the one who married you and owes you loyalty. He swore to be with you and you alone. You insist that ‘single ladies’ should be independent but you also have to take a closer look at yourself. Are you independent? Do you collect money for credit, hair, food and everything else from your husband? If your husband were to embarrass you so much with his philandering, are you independent enough to leave him. If he were to leave you for a ‘single lady’ would you have to go back to your parents house?

Single ladies, I will never support a woman or even be categorized with any one who thinks it’s okay to succumb to the pressure of prostitution. You make it sound trendy but its not. If you are sleeping with a man because he buys you gifts and plane tickets, then you are a clear-cut prostitute. There are no 2 definitions for it.

Ladies do not get vicious. Ladies do not cut people with razor. Ladies do not do jazz or whatever. Ladies are respectable and respect other ladies.

Ladies, we have to have each other’s backs. We have to support each other and promote each other. Stop pouring sand in other people’s garri.

On another note, if you are being abused at home please speak up. If a man has ever forced you to commit sexual acts you did not consent to, please speak up. No do domestic violence. No to rape.

Unmarried, independent woman.

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