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A woman with astonishingly large natural breasts makes $1,300 a day by squashing men with them, Atlanta, Georgia. 

Meet Kristy Love who used to be ‘embarrassed’ and ‘ashamed’ of her breasts, which developed when she was only eight years old but turned her complexes into business. Now she has 48NN size breasts and is working as an ‘adult’ massage therapist. Aged 9, Kristy was a B cup. Now her breasts weigh a vast 7kg each, and combined, tip the scales at 14kg. 

Speaking about her attempts to find job Love says, “When I finished massage school, no one wanted to hire me. I kept getting asked if I’d be able to stand on my feet all day. People assumed my size would be a disadvantage. No one ever called me back. At first I was indignant and said I didn’t do that kind of thing. I was ashamed of my body because I was so big. 

But when I realised there might be something in breast massages I put an advert in the local newspaper and the phone began ringing off the hook. At first it was difficult to get over my body issues and I would only give massages with the lights off. But the more compliments I got from my clients, the more my confidence was boosted. It has really helped me get over my low self- esteem.” 

Kristy makes an much as $1,300 daily, treating clients to the ‘Happy Man Works’. Some men want her to smother and squish them with her boobs, while others enjoy being hit on the head with them or have her glide over their bodies covered in oil. “I have to keep an eye out when I’m squashing someone. I look at their feet and their fingers to make sure there is still movement there and they’re still breathing.” 

Kristy’s weight has increased in the last two years and her breasts made her back ache. Her doctor has told her she urgently needs to lose weight in order to avoid developing high blood pressure and heart diseases. But Love is not going to slim down or reduce her boobs that bring her money, she says, “Those diseases don’t run in my family so it doesn’t bother me. I could be hit by a truck; I can’t keep worrying about those things that could happen in the future. I just live each day as it comes.” 

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