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Two Muslim Turks in Berlin, Germany, took a pregnant 19 year old girl named Maria, stabbed her in the stomach, then covered her whole body in gasoline, set her on fire and watched her burn to death. They then covered her charcoaled body with leaves and left. I did a whole video on this gruesome murder:

This is what the report from one English speaking media outlet tells us:
Two men were arrested after a heavily pregnant 19-year-old woman was burned to death in a Berlin wood and one has confessed to the crime, police said Saturday.
One suspect is the ex-boyfriend of the victim and the other is his friend, a police spokeswoman said. Both suspects are also 19.
The victim was stabbed numerous times in the abdomen and burned alive late Thursday in the eastern Berlin district of Adlershof.
Walkers found the body Friday morning near a woodland path when their dog started barking and acting strangely.
The first suspect was arrested a few hours later. The two suspects are charged with murder and termination of a pregnancy.
They are to be brought before a court Saturday.
Notice how this report never mentions the fact that the murderers were Muslims, and one of them was given the name of “Muhammad” in one German report in order to protect his identity.

According to the German publication, Kopp Online, the Muslim who stabbed and burned her, named Muhammad, was Turkish and demanded that the girl get an abortion. When this did not happen, he and an accomplice burned her alive.

Is it any wonder why so many Germans want mass-deportation of Muslims? Just yesterday I got into an argument with a deacon who is teaching that the Europeans who want mass deportation of Muslims are “un-Christ like.” I told him that numerous Church Fathers and other ancient Christian theologians, such as Firmicus, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Robert Bellarmine, Francisco Vitoria, and others, all believed that heretical and dangerous ideologies need to be outlawed.

He ignored all of this information and said that he was simply conveying the “teachings of Jesus.” I politely told him that Jesus Christ destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

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