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What I am about to share with you is so important that without it, it will be utterly impossible to get your ex back. In fact, understanding this very thing is so important that if you don’t, your ex will get even more distant with time, will forget you completely and you will feel that they’re gone forever.
Step 1 – You have to appeal to the emotional side of your ex’s mind…
Every human has two minds – The conscious mind which follows logic and then the unconscious mind which follows emotion. Our conscious mind is within our active control, while the unconscious mind is not within our active control.

The conscious mind deals with our thoughts, while the unconscious mind is responsible for generating feelings and emotions. That’s why it’s also called the emotional mind.
Whenever there is a battle between the conscious and the unconscious mind, the unconscious mind wins hands down. In other words, emotion outweighs logic every single time. Once you appeal to the emotional part of your ex’s mind, you will be able to make him or her literally dance to your tunes (since the emotional mind isn’t within a human beings control).

You will be able to trigger feelings of love and affection within their mind, and your ex will have absolutely no idea how you’re doing it. They will just feel this strong inner urge to be with you again.
On the other side of the spectrum – Have you ever wondered why people fall out of love and start disliking the very person they loved dearly? It doesn’t happen because a person logically decided to stop loving their partner. It happens because on a deeper emotional level, that very person is getting these nasty feelings, which are forcing them to distance themselves from their partner.
The unconscious mind is like fertile soil. Whatever you sow you will eventually reap. In order to get your ex back, you have to erase the negative image of yourself from your ex’s mind and replace that with a new positive image of yourself.

Once you do that, your ex will feel these strong inner urges to be with you again, they will start liking you the way they liked you at the early stages of your relationship. They will find it hard to keep you out of their mind and will want you back at any possible cost.

Step 2 – You have to alter the feelings they attach to your mental image.

There are 3 really important emotions your ex absolutely needs to feel to want you back again. These are:
But right now, they might be feeling hate, reluctance or even anger towards you. In order to get them back, you have to transform the emotion of hate into desire, reluctance into attraction and anger into love. Whenever we mentally picture a person, our unconscious mind gives us feelings associated with that person, which makes us either like or dislike that person.

In order to have your ex back, you need to make them associate feelings of desire, attraction and love to the image they see of you, in their mind.

Your ex should feel an intense sense of desire, attraction and love whenever they picture you in their mind. It is completely within your power. You can do this by speaking a very specific language, which directly triggers a specific part in your ex’s mind that is responsible for generating emotions. So what I am saying is that by changing a few words, you can make your ex go from feeling almost no attraction for you to feeling an intense need to be with you again.

This is so powerful that your ex won’t be able to help themselves. They will subconsciously start feeling these intense feelings for you, and will be unconsciously compelled to want you again.
If you aren’t using this secret, then you are doing yourself a huge disservice, and are actually making a massive mistake. Not knowing this will lead you into relationship issues and problems, and you will always find yourself confused and frustrated.

Now you’re probably wondering, Okay! I understand that I need to appeal to the emotional part of my ex’s mind, and alter the feelings they attach to my mental image, but I don’t know exactly what to say or do to make it happen. So how do I do it?

I’d like to show you exactly what to do, in order to make your ex desire you. Knowing it will grant you the power to inspire tremendous amounts of love and attraction in your ex’s mind, every single time. You will connect with him or her on a level you’ve never imagined before.

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