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So there was a thread created earlier today about the age gap for a lady or guy to get married. I observed that many girls preferred to date older guys from their comments. I don't really see this as a bad thing but what I find ridiculous is a girl dating a guy way older than her. How can an 18 year old girl who is still struggling with JAMB or probably still in the University be dating a guy of 29-32 and be comfortable.

To me that's cradle robbery. When the guy started having sex you were probably still in kindergarten or wearing diapers and yet you find nothing bad in dating him.

However that is not what I want to dwell on. I discussed with some of my female friends as to why they prefer dating older men and here are some of the reasons I could garner.

1. Financial stability.
One of the Major reasons is Financial stability. The girls believe dating somebody older than them will help them escape some of their financial hurdles. They don't want to associate with young guys of their age who are still hustling to make paper. Some of them will not date you once you still depend on your parents. That's why some of them can date a married man. You find majority of these types in the Universities and other tertiary institutions.

2. Experience
One of the reasons I got from a girl is Experience. In her words she said "Older guys are more experienced in the matters of Love". Hmmm. I don't know how true this is.

Is it that the older you are the more girls you would have dated and therefore you'll have experience? The Ladies should help us with explanations please.

3. Reliability/Trust
Another point Noted out is that they can easily trust these guys. One girl told me that she can easily trust an older guy and he has less tendencies to cheat. She says younger guys are still immature and adventurous so they cannot be fully trusted. Hmmm

4. Freedom
Another point noted is freedom. Some girls like the fact that an older guy will be too busy with his work to be insecure about her activities. You see cases of a girl who is in the university dating a working class guy far away and so she has the freedom to do whatever she wants with other young guys and her real boyfriend may not bother to interrogate her. This is not always the case though. As men are generally jealous.

This is one of the major points that almost every girl who supports this cause raised. In their opinion,,older guys are way mature than guys of their age bracket. One girl on Nairaland said and I quote "sometimes they act their age and you are tempted to ask,,How old are you again?"
Lol,,as much as we know that maturity is not by age it could still be true that young guys may act their age sometimes but you cannot blame them as it is a phase of life everyone must pass.

But my question to the ladies is if you date an older guy because he may be mature are you also going to be mature in the relationship? You can't be acting like a kid and expect the other guy to keep tolerating you.

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