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A cheating married Mbare man in Harare is cursing the rains that pounded the city last Saturday after he was caught red-handed by his wife engaging in s*x with an old vendor at his matrimonial home.
The wife – known as Mai Edith had gone for an evening prayer session in Domboshava Mountains when it started raining, H-Metro reported.
She had to cut short her prayers and dashed back to her house.
Apparently Artwell is a members of Zimbabwe Christian Church and had skipped church to entertain his lover.
busted1However, unbeknownst to her, her hubby Artwell Ushe aged 28 was having a nice time with the woman known as Theresa aged 42.
According to the publication, commotion ensured when Mai Edith found her husband right in the act attracting scores of people and three used condoms where found at the scene.
“He is a member of ZCC and I attend Johane Masowe so I left home around 7pm on Saturday for prayers in the mountain together with church members including his younger brother.
“It was around midnight when I asked babamunini to accompany me home since the rains were incessant and I could not believe what I was awaiting me at home” said Mai Edith.
“After discovering that my husband phone was not reachable I peeped though the window and saw the curtain shaking and later saw my husband engaging in s*x with the old woman.
“I forced the down open in anger and caught them undressed and I called his relatives and neighbours to witness this since I could not believe it’ she added.
“I failed to get the strength to attack Zichemebere iri nekuti ndapererwa kuti murume wangu ashandisirwa mushonga zvekupofomadzwa kutadza kuona zera racho sekunonzi anonwa doro.
“People jostled to witness the two naked cheats and they started beating and mocking them.Chinondirwadza ndechekuti murume wangu haashande anofamba achinyepera vanhu kuti mupurisa as ini ndini mupurisa ndinomupa mari yekuhodha mbatya kuti tirarame as nhasi ava kudya shoma iyoyo nechembere,” said Mai Edith.
Theresa, a vegetable vendor at Mbare Musika told H-Metro tat she was still to receive her payment after Artwell took her from her place.
“I am a single lady and Artwell has been visiting my work place openly saying he admired my hips,” said Theresa.
“Since my children are grown up, I could not accommodate him in my one room lodgings along Daniel Street here in Mbare. We agreed that he would pay me US$10 for the whole night and this was our first time to have intercourse and we were on our third session by the time his wife returned.
“I still want my money from Artwell because ndiyo yandanga ndichida kunohodhesa muriwo nhais and he is the one who promised to pay me.
“I was beaten by people who thronged this place while I was handcuffed and naked but it was not my fault since Artwell had told me that he lived alone.
“I have two kids to look after, I am single and I want money from him, zvekubatwa kwake imhosva yake because taigona kuenda muzvimba zvemuno zvinobhadhariswa mari shoma toitana,” said Theresa dressing up as Police protected her from the mob baying for her blood.
Artwell denied that he had hired Theresa insisting it had been free. “Wangu handina kuwirirana naye zvekubhadharana, tangowirirana zvekungokw*rana husiku hwese chete if she is demanding money ndezvake izvo,” said Artwell as he was being led to Stodart Police station.
“I did not expect my wife to return at midnight. I had planned to dismiss her around 4am since she visits the market place.

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