It is a known fact: celebrities' children are not dressed like any other children. The style of some of them is even more sophisticated than the adults' one. Blue Ivy, Beyoncé and Jay-Z's daughter, and North, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's daughter, are two very high fashioned celebrity children.
Here is a clothing duel between the two famous kids.
Leather jacket
Red dress vs all black
Let's compare two «classic» daily look of the famous children.
White or black?
The West family have a marked taste for the black color, so what is better than a white dress for this clothing duel.
Evening wear
Blue Ivy and North are very sophisticated. Here are their evening clothes.
Street style
It is obvious Blue Ivy and North are classy, here they are wearing superb jackets, what else?
Finally, Here are the Halloween costume of Blue Ivy and North. Blue Ivy is dressed up in Michael Jackson whereas North is wearing a skunk costume, so cute.
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