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In strong relationships you understand the silence of your partner, the reasons of their happiness, things that make them feel good. At that stage you don’t need to say a lot to them. Just a sweet smile says so many things. But don’t you think sometimes you need appreciation, you really want to hear that how much love your partner does. Yes! We want to hear that how much our loved ones love us. Its human nature that they want to know the level of love their partner holds in their heart. So don’t be late, sometimes words do that smile cant. Here are few things that you should tell your partner every day.

5. You are precious
Tell your partner that how precious you are, you have made his/her life worth living. You have added color to their life. These things seem simple but believe me you can feel the magic of these words when you are depressed, you feel life is difficult for you, then such words beautifully shows its effects.

4.You are Beautiful
When a man calls his lady beautiful then he talks about his heart. Tell your partner that they have a beautiful heart. A heart that cares for you, that breathes for you. Sometimes physical admiration is not enough to make your partner feel good. As it is observed that you will find so many beautiful faces in the world but not the beautiful heart. If you have found the person with a beautiful heart do value them.

3.Appreciate them on their ideas
When you admire someone on their ideas, it shows that you take interest in their little things, they are important for you. Once I met a couple, they were a happy couple, they used to share little things, and they appreciate the decisions taken by their partner, acknowledge the things that one can’t even imagine. This thing really inspired me. I have seen this lesser among the couples if inoculated in couples they would be happier

2.Help them to FOLLOW their dreams
Dreams keeps you awake, they are the only thing that forced you to achieve them. If your partner has some dream that need your support then do support them, love their dreams as your own. This will make them feel that how much you care them. You will be there for them in hard times. This feeling adds so much energy in you and you feel that your dream has got wings. Try it you will feel better.

1.Trust and Respect them
Again, trust and respect the most powerful tools in the world that keep your partner around you. Trust them and let them do whatever they want to do, let them go wherever they want to go. If they are true to you they will never ever betray you. Trust and respect the most precious feeling that you give to others. If you love your partner trust them, respect them. It will strengthen your relationship

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