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Getting married is a life changing situation and something everybody wants to do right because nobody plans to walk down the aisle more than once…at least nobody in their right mind plans to.
If you are planning to walk down the aisle in the very near future and with the woman you are seeing and you need to be very sure she’s the one, here are qualities that if she’s got, she just might not fit into the role.
1. She’s dependent– On you for everything. When she wants to buy the smallest thing, she dials your number and asks you to buy it for her. When she wants to make any important decision, she stalls and waits till you see each other. When she needs to do things she should be able to handle on her own, she keeps waiting for you to come make the decision for her, then you need to think twice.
Nothing bad in making decisions together or helping her buy stuff but everything is wrong when it happens all of the time.
A wife needs to be independent. Be able to run the home when her husband isn’t home and make important decisions when he is busy.

You need an independent one not a dependent person. It is a wife you want not a pet.
2. She’s rude– I know no man wants a woman who cannot respect him. Not as a girlfriend, not as a wife. So if your woman is rude(to you and to every other person around) and she shows no traces of changing, don’t bother making her a wife.
The cracks would soon begin to show and you would hate yourself if you wife her.
3. She’s emotionally unstable– if she is sweet today and she goes from that to extremely rude and not bothered in the next minute and then obnoxious, then you need to relax a bit.
Find out what makes her flaky. If she’s just that emotionally unstable person, then think twice about the relationship before taking the next step.
Bigger things come in marriage. If she can’t handle courtship, she won’t be able to handle marriage.
She lies– lying partners are the worst ever. No reason why you should even be with them in relationships talk less of marriage. If she lies, run!
You wife her and it is the beginning of your end!
Relationship is not a do or die thing. you guys werent born together. Make your lifetime decision now as it may hinder or be helpful to your future. Thank You

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