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Have you recently experienced a foul smelling discharge from your va gina? If yes, it may mean that there is an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria giving birth to your va ginal odor. Medically known as Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and Va ginal Yeast Infections, va ginal odor can be sometimes embarrassing though it should not be. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, feminine odor changes throughout the normal monthly menstrual cycle of a woman. Just as your feet or breath has a smell, va gina too has a smell due to the presence of bacteria here. However, this may get unusual and you may get metallic or musty smell or even a fishy smell from va gina which can be due to foods you eat or certain hormonal causes along with the overgrowth of bacteria as well as sexually transmitted diseases for which you should get treatment. Accompanied by yellow or white discharge, itching, burning and irritation, va ginal odor may indicate va ginal infection. If your va ginal odor, however, doesn’t indicate anything serious, you may apply some home remedies for va ginal odor to get rid of this foul smell.

Remedies for Va ginal Odor

1. Yogurt- the Natural Remedy for Va ginal Odor
With all its health benefits, yogurt can also help you get rid of va ginal odor. Yogurt is naturally rich in lactobacillus, the healthy bacteria which not only keeps your stomach free of any infection but also reduce the yeast infection of your va gina. Lactobacillus also helps in restoring normal va ginal pH level which kills your va ginal odor. So eat unsweetened plain yogurt everyday, as much as two cups a day. You may also use yogurt in other ways to get rid of your va ginal odor.

Ways to use Yogurt for Va ginal Odor
Consume Yogurt Daily

This is the best way to use yogurt not only for va ginal odor elimination but also for your overall health. Just take care to have organic, unflavored, unsweetened yogurt. Sweetened yogurt can actually increase your problems by promoting yeast infection. It’s better to have plain yogurt. If you are buying probiotic yogurt, check if it contains lactobacillus or not because this is the healthy bacteria in yogurt which will get you rid of your va ginal odor. Have at least 2 cups of yogurt everyday.
Apply Yogurt to Va gina

Get this:
Yogurt- ¼ – ½ cup
Cotton pad

Do this:
Take the yogurt in a cup or bowl.
Dip the cotton pad in the yogurt and let it soak well.
Now take the cotton pad out of the yogurt.
Apply this yogurt to your va gina by rubbing with gentle hand.
Let it be there for sometime, wash off with water and pat dry.
Repeat this for three to four times a day.

Alternatively, you may soak a tampon in plain yogurt and insert in your va gina. Leave it there for sometime before removing. Now wash off with plain water.

Take Precaution: If you are allergic to dairy products, avoid having or using yogurt for va ginal odor.
2. Garlic Remedies for Va ginal Odor

Garlic is a known natural anti-bacterial herb. Having garlic can get you rid of bad bacteria that cause va ginal odor. The strong antifungal properties of garlic also help eliminate the plethora of fungus causing yeast infection and giving rise to mild va ginal odor.

Ways to Use Garlic for Va ginal Odor
Eat 1-2 raw garlic cloves with one glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.
Insert one clove of peeled garlic into your va gina and leave for a couple of hours. Wash or take bath after removing the garlic clove. Do this once or twice a week to get rid of va ginal odor.
Include garlic in your dishes like salads and dips.
Crush some garlic cloves to make paste. Apply this garlic paste to your va gina and leave for about 10 minutes. Wash or have bath after this.

3. Baking Soda Remedies for Va ginal Odor

One of the causes of va ginal odor is imbalanced pH level of your body. Baking soda can instantly level your pH level. So, when you are up to go out and realize your va gina is emitting foul smell, drink a glass of water mixed with some baking soda. You may actually like to use baking soda to wash your va ginal area regularly to keep its pH levels balanced.

Ways to Use baking Soda for Va ginal Odor
Take 1-2 tsp of baking soda and mix this with a glass of water. Drink this daily.
Add half a cup of baking soda to water in your bath tub. Sit in this water for about 20 minutes. This treats yeast infection and instantly eliminates va ginal odor.

4. Cranberry Juice to Remove Va ginal Odor

Cranberries have been known for their efficiency in detoxifying body. As cranberry juice is acidic in nature, it helps keep bacteria count low in your body. This is also why drinking cranberry juice is an established natural remedy for urinary tract infections. Just a glass of unsweetened and undiluted cranberry juice may help flush toxins from your body as well as keep va ginal odor at bay!

5. Alum Remedies for Va ginal Odor
Alum is a sulfate of aluminum and apart from being used for food pickling and purifying water, it is also used for controlling body odor. In fact, it is a traditional natural aftershave to control bleeding from cuts that men can get from shaving. As it easily dissolves in water, alum can mix with sweat to neutralize the development of bacteria that cause body odor. As far as va ginal odor is concerned, the antiseptic and astringent properties of alum come into play to restrict the growth of bacteria that give rise to foul smell in your va gina. Alum is especially beneficial when va ginal odor is due to whitish liquid va ginal discharge (Leucorrhoea).

Ways to Use Alum for Va ginal Odor
Mix ¼ to ½ tsp of alum powder in some water and use this for washing your va gina and surrounding area.
Get an alum stick from any grocery store. Soak it in water and rub it on your va gina’s mouth with gentle hand. Don’t be too harsh. Do it 1-2 times a day.
Mix ¼ tsp of alum powder with a glass of water and have it twice a day. This remedy treats leucorrhoea and eliminates excessive va ginal discharge that give rise to bad smell.

6. Guava Leaves Remedy for Va ginal Odor

Guava leaves have antioxidants, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties along with certain beneficial tannins. These leaves have been used traditionally for medicinal uses in various diseases. While guavas help reduce menstrual cramps in women, guava leaves when boiled with water give an excellent solution to cure va ginal discharge problems.

How to Use Guava Leaves for Va ginal Odor

Get this:
Guava leaves- 8-10
Water- 1 liter

Do this:
Add guava leaves to water.
Boil this water till it reduces to half its quantity.
Let it cool down.
Strain and use the water for washing your va ginal area. Rinse your va gina throughly with this water.
Do this twice a day.

7. Dongoyaro or Neem Leaves Remedy for Va ginal Odor

The herb Neem or Dongoyaro, also known as Margosa, has excellent antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Neem bark extract as well as leaves are especially effective in protecting you against various fungi including candida which leads to yeast infections that in turn give rise to va ginal odor. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicine, prescribes neem remedy to treat bacterial vaginosis. 
Here is how you can use Dongoyaro or margosa leaves to get rid of BV as well as va ginal odor.

Get this:
Neem leaves- a handful
Water- enough to make paste

Do this:
Heat a pan.
Add neem leaves to the pan and dry roast for about three minutes.
Put off the flame and let the leaves cool down.
Once cold, crush the roasted neem leaves to get a fine powder.
Take 2 tsp of this neem leaves powder.
Add a little water to this and make a paste.
Apply this neem leaves paste to your va gina and surrounding area.
Do this twice a day.

8. Hygiene and Diet Remedies for Va ginal Odor

Apart from the natural and herbal ingredients that prevent and cure foul smell, there are many other factors that decide whether you will suffer from va ginal odor and other va gina related issues or not. These include foods that you eat and hygiene that you maintain. 
Here are some cleanliness, hygiene and diet remedies for va ginal odor that will go a long way to make you feel relieved and refreshed.

A, Drink lots of water during the day. Water gets your body rid of bad toxins and harmful bacteria.
B. Avoid caffeine drinks like coffee and tea as well as sugary drinks like colas etc. Excessive sugar in your body give way to bacteria and in turn va ginal odor.
C. Avoid too spicy and starchy foods.
D. Have lots of citrus foods that are rich in vitamin C such as guava, grapes, oranges, sweet lime, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples etc. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and prepares your body to fight against harmful bacteria.
E. Avoid unprotected se x which may cause infections and sexually transmitted diseases, one of the leading causes of va ginal odor.
F. Wear underwear made of breathable fabric like cotton. Change them everyday and wash them properly with soap.
G. During monthly menstrual cycle, change sanitary pads frequently. If using tampons, don’t forget to take them out.
H. Wash your va gina properly after intercourse and urination.
I. Always wear lose fitting clothes. Tight jeans or pants don’t allow air to flow and result in sweating which gives rise to va ginal odor.

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