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1.Develop your self confidence. Before you try to attract any man, be it across the room or directly in front of you, it is important that you be confident in yourself. Loving yourself and knowing how amazing you are is one of the most attractive things you can do. When you love yourself, it is more likely that others will follow suit. To practice yourself confidence:
-Focus on your positive traits. These should include both physical traits and parts of your personality that you love. Focusing on the positive, rather than on the negative, can help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin.
-Remind yourself of how awesome you are. Consider your accomplishments and the amazing things that you have done in your lifetime.
-Consider how you can improve the things that you don’t like as much about yourself. If you don’t like the color of your hair, consider dyeing it. If you don’t like that you become easily stressed, practice relaxation techniques. However, always bear in mind that you should be making these improvements for yourself—not to attract someone else.

2.Dress to impress. Once you feel confident about yourself both inside and out, you can then begin to focus on attracting a man’s attention. Begin with your outfit. You should wear something that you feel comfortable in, but that also makes you feel beautiful, or even sexy. However, don’t try to catch a guy’s eye by wearing a dress with a neckline that reaches down to your belly button; instead, wear an outfit that compliments your personality and—most importantly—makes you feel fabulous.

-Show of your neck and shoulders if possible. Many men consider a woman’s neck and shoulders to be very alluring and attractive parts of her body. Instead of wearing a dress that hardly covers your breasts, instead dry wearing a halter top dress and a loose updo to give your man a peek at your neck.
-Don’t forget to pick out some great shoes. Again, wearing a pair of shoes that you feel comfortable in (meaning you can walk in them) is key—if you are tottering around on sky-high heels, you may come across as looking like you’ve had one too many drinks.

3.Keep your hair and makeup in order. Once you have selected a jaw-dropping outfit, it’s time to do your makeup and hair. There is no need to pile on the makeup, but if you feel like you look great with a bunch of eyeliner and mascara making your eyes pop, then go for it! Again, do what will make you feel the most confident and sexy—when you feel confident, you will certainly catch men’s attentions.
Choosing a hairstyle can be tricky. It is important to keep your face shape in mind, as well as the texture of your hair.

4.Smell fantastic. When you smell good, a man will notice. When you smell bad, a man will also notice. Because of this, make sure to rub on some deodorant and give yourself a spritz of your favorite perfume. Using perfume can actually enhance your natural pheromones, making you more attractive to the opposite sex. Some scents that are considered to work well when catching a man’s attention are:

5.Wear an eye-catching necklace. Wearing a necklace that will draw his attention to your neck can help to hook a man’s attention. Many men consider a woman’s neck to be a feminine and captivating part of her body, so show off your elegant neckline by wearing a necklace that flatters your looks.

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