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Tell Tolu that heartbreaks do heal and she will show you putrefying sore her heart is nursing. 
That life has been the direct opposite of the glamour that average human being clamour is more than a fact for Tolu.
She’s had her share of untold shame and gloom, enough menace that is too much to get past. Five minutes with her is enough to tell the full version of heartbreak she is in. 
Seeing her for the second time this week, and begging that she would just let the past go, Tolu was ever resolute. The only thing she wanted was a payback – and a quick one at that. 
As everybody knows where their shoes pinches, Tolu sure knows exactly where her heart aches, even if she can do practically nothing to bring it back to its original state.
Ask me what her problem is and I will say she is one in a million who has signed up for the SUPER LIES THAT YOU ARE WITH THE RIGHT LOVER
“You will just kill yourself,” I reiterated, but that sounded like more of an energising portion to get her wishes done: she would kill his boyfriend and kill herself following was her plan, but it sees she’s getting the whole punishment pack now.
Her hair has been unkempt for three weeks and she didn’t bother. Going to school for lectures was the last thing in her to do list. And whenever her parents called, she would act as though everything was normal. 
She’s been one of the best students in the Sociology Department until her third year when she wet Dancier. It was during a birthday party of friend. Dancier, as popularly known, was one of the best dancers on Campus, and a big boy at that. His dance steps at the party was all the goodies that made Tolu gave herself away freely. 
Dancier was in his finals when she met him, thinking he would wait a year, have enough money for them to get married the moment she would graduate. All those thoughts and plans are now gone without any scintilla of hope to get them back.  
Now Tolu wishes she never even went to that party, let alone meeting Dancier. Their few minutes introduction that got him into her heart was something that won’t stop to make her sad: how she sheepishly agreed to be Dan’s girlfriend at first sight was the most stupid decision she ever made all her life. Or so she thought.
Now the regret is much more than the pleasure the relationship gave. She would even have loved to have a magic wand to turn back the hands of time.
Tolu didn’t have much but she gave her all for love. She thought giving her all to a man was all a lady needed to cement her place in his heart – oh how she’s wrong! 
The chair she was on was the worst source of relief at the moment. She stood up as though she wanted to get something, looked for a dirty spot on the corner of her self-contained room and sat there. 
“This is the best place for me sir”, weeping as she looked at me. 
She didn’t wait to let me say a word that she continued… 
“Sir, I spent all I had for Daniel… Gave my body, my money and my life for him thinking I have found an angel to call my own… Until I had that is wedding was two weeks back… Dan is married sir… That heartless Dancier is Married.”
She paused a little wanting to hear me say few words and her eyes took the show as streams of water rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably. 
I gather enough strength to talk to her as I said…. 
“See, young girl, that a man had broken your heart doesn’t make you break your life following.”
“No matter what you have lost through the relationship is not worth losing your life on. You don’t even need a payback plan on him.”
All you need do now is to make sure you don’t get yourself stopped by carry over; because, you will regret more in the future than you are now.”
I looked at her only to discover she was holding her stomach, grinding her teeth in pains…. 
There is no need to tell me she had used some drugs to terminate Dan’s 3-month-old pregnancy. 
I rushed at her and the next is taking her to the hospital….. 
I pray she makes it! 
But, I wish I tell her more! 
I wish I make her see many reasons to let go more than she would let revenge overtake her heart. 
Over to you
If you are in my shoes, what would you tell her once she wakes up (that’s if she makes it). 
And as a lady, what would you do if this happens to you?

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