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A healthy va gina is naturally acidic in orther to keep infactions at bay..it is only when there is an interference in this natural system that problems arise....
here are some ways to maintain a healthy va gina and prevent va gina infections and discomfort:-
1.)Avoid constipation,Drink lots of water.
2.)Avoid using harsh,scented soaps while bathing.
3.)wear clean cotton innerwear,Avoid tight,spandex underwear thongs,as they can cause irritation and infections,wear clothes that are breathable..
4.)Avoid spraying anything there(va gina).you might think that using a floral spray on your va gina will give it a sweet smelling scent,but it could actually ruin the PH level of your va gina,causing irritative and other problems...if a strong bad odour starts coming from there,you will have to use antiseptics as prescribed by your doctor.
5.)Hair removal is a healthy practice.,maitain good vagina health by regularly triming your pubic hair.excess hair around your va gina can creat a moist environment,which can cause bacteria to grow and lead to infections.
6.)wash yourself daily.
7.)No douches! Douching changes the PH balance and concentration of the microbes in the va gina.these changes makes the va gina susceptible to infectious bacterial,which can start breeding .this can lead to bacterial vaginosis.
8.)use good sanitary napkins.for a healthy va gina,it is very important to follow proper hygeniene during menstration..never use your sanitary napkins for too long.they absorb blood and if used for too long the bacteria buid-up can lead to rashes and irritation.
9.)wash properly after intercouse. Havd a safe se x to keep the threat of bacteria away..
10.)if you notice a strange smelly va ginal discharge,exess intching or unusual colour from your pussy,it's important that you consult your doctor in order to treat the problem...
could you have any problem,question,or demonstration? Pls call me

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