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Guys love mystery;they are gingered when they are carrying out tasks.Every man is wired to crave for something he can’t easily have.

Men love conquering. They appreciate the chase. When a man gets something easily he does not see the need to value it. Infact, if it comes easily, his sense of worth and achievement is not boosted. His morale is not gingered.
Men love women that give them challenging tasks before dating them. If you are just flinging it on him anytime he wants, you are not getting it right my dear. The idea is not make him drool for it, to make him stare. Get him aroused and just give him a tender kiss, with a soft voice saying “not today baby” and he’ll be your PUPPY FOR LIFE, not  CHELSEA anymore lol!
”The idea is to draw attention to your sexuality, without being cheap or appearing to be “free chops.
1. Be serious: My dear, woju oh! This is serious business. Getting a guy to a state where he is so horny that he is begging for sex is not beans oh! Guys have a lot on their minds; the picture of the next girl he admires is stuck in his head, lots of stuff. So, don’t laugh when you are carrying out this crucial mission. That does not mean you should become serious like a Miss Rambo. Smiling more subtly is better than laughing loud when you are on this matter. In fact, it is a very long thing.
2. Play ignorant: Guys love mystery; they are gingered when they are carrying out tasks. The man was wired to crave for something he can’t easily have. So when working him up, do not make it look obvious that your intention is to make him horny. That will give you up as cheap and he might just sleep with you and you will become another plus on his score board. Baby girl, talk to him normally, let go of any tension and flow. You are a lady, my dear; this thing comes naturally installed in you. Just flow.
3. Set the mood, create the aura: For your mission “to lay egg”, you have got to create an inviting and appealing environment. Get him to a quiet place and if possible, play soft music. You can seat close to him and let him feel your warmth. Pretend to fidget with your phone and ask him to help sort out the issue, while leaning gently to him. Not in a desperado way oh!
4. The voice: My dear, this is the time you wish you had a voice like the twitter bird. Let your voice damage his sense if reasoning. Use your soft, sensual tone to create pictures and play with his mind. I do not mean talk dirty. You could use indirect suggestive words though, but use a sensual tone that is natural. Please do not try to do it like the girls in the movies oh!. Guys get irritated by that.
5. Steal shy glances: Every guy loves a shy girl. That naïve aura they send out makes the guy want to go in for the kill. Here is how to use it to your advantage. Look at him in a shy way and smile. Do that in intervals thrice, and he is revving to help you “cure your craze.”
6. Show off little: Use pictures to tell your story. I mean show him some cleavage subtly.
7. Share joke: Remember I said no laughing. You are not in a comedy show. But you can share subtle dirty sexual jokes and thoughts. Get him to share with you too. Talk dirty, with a kind of secondary school girl appeal. Ask him dirty intimate questions like; where do you think I like being touched? If I was a light bulb, where would you press to turn me on? He will wet his pants. I tell you.

8. Touch him: Gently pretend to clean something from his face or lips while looking into his eyes subtly. My dear you have tied him and handed the key to him. He will beg to be released from your bond.

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