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Mothers and Daughters
What are those things mothers, aunties and other women out there meant to be telling little girls, especially at the homefront?
Females - single or married, young or old, will always have to put up living in a world that categorizes, compares, and exploits women. But women should help other women, these bonds formed make women a little stronger, rather than telling them to do nothing about the harsh realities they face everyday.
What are those things mothers, aunties and other women out there meant to be telling little girls, especially at the homefront?
Michelle Horton of YourTango lists a few of these very important things daughters need to hear:
  1. "No" is a powerful word. Use it, and use it often.
  2. Don't apologize for the love you have for yourself. Never diminish your light to make someone else shine.
  3. You are your character — not your looks, not your job, and not your grades.
  4. I love my body, and I love yours, too.
  5. It's called a va gina — VA GINA. Vul va. Cli toris. These are not dirty words.
  6. Beauty isn't earned; it doesn't define your worth. Beauty is a subjective state of mind, but being kind is always beautiful.
  7. Not all boys are bad; not all girls are mean. We're in this together.
  8. Accept that you will meet some mean girls along the way, no matter how old you are. Try and remember that the meanest people are the ones who are hurting the most. Wish them well and stay away.
  9. Your mind will lie to you. It'll tell you that you're not good enough, not pretty enough, not thin enough — not enough. It'll tell you that you need to be perfect to be loved, that your life needs to be a certain way before you can be happy. All of these are lies. Just because those thoughts are real doesn't make them true. If you need help finding the truth, I will help you.
  10. Girl friendships are powerful. Find the right ones — the ones who build you up, not tear you down — and keep them in your corner. You'll need them.
  11. You're strong and brave.
  12. You aren't your emotions, no matter how strong they feel. You aren't your hormones. You aren't your mistakes.
  13. Aim to be the most interesting person in a room, not the prettiest.
  14. Se x doesn't devalue you as a person. You'll always have value. Always.
  15. You don't have to become a mother or a wife to be a complete woman.
  16. True joy isn't found by looking OUT — out to the approval of parents, the expectations of friends, the lingering eye of a cute boy. You'll want to look out for love, out for comfort, and out for a sense of identity, but you're already you; and you're magnificent as you are. The sooner you learn to focus on what you have, not on what you don't have, the happier you'll be.
  17. No one cares what you're wearing; they're all too busy worrying about their own outfits. Be comfortable.
  18. Femininity is not a weakness. You're more powerful than you think.
  19. You aren't responsible for anyone else's happiness, including your mother's.
  20. I can handle anything you have to say, anything you might feel, and any questions you might have. No matter how you're feeling, I guarantee another girl has felt the same.

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