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Genechy Blog Readers, I hail thee....

Goodday everyone , I want to share what I am going through at present, I want your advice or better still judge me I could be wrong with my action.

I have been cohabiting with a lady for a week now, before I move on let me share how the cohabitation began.

This girl came to our house when she was seeking admission to a school close to my house, one of my housemates accommodated her, he claimed the girl was his girlfriend, eventually, the girl got admitted into the school and started living with the guy but after two weeks they had misunderstandings the girl had no where to go, this lady in question since she came into the house I have taken her as my sister and my friend so we had good rapport. After the misunderstanding with her boyfriend she walked up to me and told me she wanted to leave her boyfriend's room for my room and that it won't last long just for mean time I concurred with immediate alarcrity I told her no qualm after consulting her boyfriend about her plan, the guy said he has no problem as regards her plan. The following day she packed her things inside my room, I thought I was dreaming, 

I started mulling on what to do, someone I have taken as my sister chei! Kongi na bastard you know now.... I kept calm, that night we were discussing she started telling me stories on the same matress with me, suddenly, I kept mute I was not responding to her super story I was even facing down because I was trying to pack my John Thomas I didn't want her to see the kind of press up it was performing, she thought I had slept so she kept quiet. 

After few minutes I did as if I jarupaing Lol. pardon me sleep walking or unconcious turning anyhow (you should have understood) I put one of my hands across, lo and behold it rested on her bossoms I was thinking she would throw away my hand but she didn't, that was why I drew her closer and we started kissing, pressing and the likes but whenever I wanted to go down low she would say stop and I would sluggishly take my hand off her, after 4-5 days I could not control the urge, I said to myself tonight I must enter this girl, when night came we started as usual when I was about going down she said stop I did as if I didn't hear, I was trying to unclothe her, she was still saying stop but I turned deaf ears when I was about to remove her undies she started crying profusely I was like what the hell! Did I beat you? She did say a word other than crying after few seconds she said ''it's because I'm staying here'' my blood that was flowing for 140km/min just slowed down and I left her on the matress and slept off. The following day she did not leave and this sexual urge was unresistable. 

Please am I taking advantage of her? or was she trying to form? If I asked her to leave she has no place to go what can I do?

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