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I’m a 33 years old lady married and blessed with 2 lovely children children. My health status is completely Okay.

My husband went to London Five year ago for a business trip and all I see from his Facebook profile is photos taken while he is having some good time with different ladies.

And I’m now lonely. Now the problem is that, my neighbor’s son aged 17 yrs always come to my house to watch movie everyday. I really feel like telling him what am going through, But I fear to say it. What can I do to make him know that I want to have s*x with him.

should I wear mini-skirt that will make him attracted. Surely, I really like him because he is very handsome and energetic boy.

Please Advice me.

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  1. Is nt good bcos u stay under the same roof ok pls

  2. Pls don't try it is dangerous.08028510415

