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You can have attractive assets or you are among the ladies whose natural endowment are on the average side and still beautiful. But if you don’t know how to behave, your man will run, sooner or later.
Sometimes, after a few fantastic dates you had with a guy you really like, he suddenly stops calling and then it goes on and on with others too. And you soon start trying to use your body to keep them.
If you check well, it could be that your behaviour was really embarrassing for those guys and unless you take time to realise what those behaviours are, good men will keep running away from you.
Do you want to know the things that make men run and how to keep your man?
1.Clinging To Him Like Static: While it might seem like spending every waking moment together is fun at first, it WILL get old. It’s more likely that he’ll feel this before you do. All good relationships have a little space in them. Give him time to miss you and occasionally wait for him to initiate contact. Keep your friends, hobbies and interests alive.
2. Over-Communicating: “Hihihihihi” , “What are you doing?”, “How about now?”, “And now? I just thought I would share what I’m having for lunch.”, “I sneezed and thought of you!”, Ugh … just no. Sometimes we blow past all reasonable boundaries when we’re excited about a relationship. While it may initially seem cute to him that you’re contacting him a lot, before too long he’ll start seeing you as insecure and clingy. Remember, let him have some space so he’s not chocked.
3. Nagging: It’s pretty much never a good time to start chiding him about things he’s “doing wrong”. You might change his behavior in the short term, but the cost you’ll pay in his resentment is large.
4. Emotional Outbursts: I don’t know a person alive who hasn’t at some point completely flipped their top. It happens to everyone. However, freaking out (and acting it out) is never good for your relationship. If you’re prone to this, work on displaying your feelings calmly. It never hurts.
5. Making Him Pay For Every Single Thing: I’m definitely a fan of courtship, but remember that it’s sure nice to treat him also. Expecting him to cover everything all the time is more than a little one-sided and mean. It can also make him feel like you’re just there for free dinner. There are other ways to reciprocate his generosity if you can’t afford to pay the check. For example, with a home-cooked meal, wash his clothes, a date that you arrange or little thoughtful surprises for him. It should feel like you’re both giving to the relationship, not like he’s paying for your company.
6. Acting Entitled: Don’t act like you automatically own his weekends, access to his wallet or anything else. Be nice to everyone, and don’t treat anyone like they owe you something.

7. Being Rude To Others: I realize that telling you NOT to act like a jerk if you’re really a jerk isn’t going to create meaningful change in the world. But for those of you who have an edge, know that it can kill your budding romance dead.

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