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A boost in the bedroom may be just a shot away for some women looking to enhance their se xual pleasure.
Physicians like Dr. Kevin Jovanovic, a cosmetic surgeon and OB/GYN in New York City, are offering a procedure to increase the size of a woman’s ‘G-spot’ by injecting it with collagen.
“This is a unique space that’s somewhat taboo where women say ‘Everything is fine, I want to feel more,’” Jovanovic told FoxNews.com. “For example, for a man, there are supposedly more Viagra prescriptions written for without ere ctile dysfunction because they want to feel more.”
The “G-Shot” procedure, also called G-Spot augmentation, was pioneered by Dr. David Matlock from the Laser Va ginal Rejuvenation Institute of Los Angeles in 2008.
While there haven’t been any large scale studies on this controversial procedure, Jovanovic said Matlock studied 106 of his patients who received the G-Shot, and found that 85 of them reported feeling enhanced se xual pleasure as a result.

“We can’t create something out of nothing, so you have to have a patient who knows their own anatomy, who does feel something,” Jovanovic said. “So a patient who comes in and says I either ‘have painful intercourse’ or ‘I can’t feel anything,’ that’s not a great candidate for the procedure — but it’s women who want more out of se x.”
Patients receive a lidocaine injection to numb the area before the collagen is put in place, making the procedure virtually painless. But it doesn’t come without risks, the most common Jovanovic said, being that the procedure just doesn’t work in some women.
“We actually do a fair amount of counseling, at least 30 minutes, to sort of explain what you’re getting yourself into,” Jovanovic said. “We have upwards of 85 percent of patients say that it does enhance their sexual experience.”
The G-Shot procedure can cost as much as $1200 and lasts for 4 to 6 months – at which point, a patient must return to the office to have it redone.
“Permanent things in the va gina have not turned out to be a great thing because the va gina will attack — as will other parts of the body — what’s there, and you don’t want to have scar tissue or problems with the stuff you put in,” Jovanovic said. “The type of collagen we use has been used around the bladder for incontinence for over 40 years.”

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