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1. Oysters
Oysters have a well-established history as an aphrodisiac (just look at that suggestive shape!): Romans believed in their libido-increasing abilities and Casanova wrote that he ate 50 for breakfast in "The Story of My Life."

Well guess what? The mollusks are packed with the feel-good hormone dopamine. Zinc -- a mineral linked to stimulating testosterone, a hormone key to sexual arousal, can also be.

2. Peppers (And Other Hot And Spicy Food)
The "shaky bridge experiment" is probably familiar to anyone who took Psych 101 in college. In the study, men were asked to walk across a tall, shaky bridge, and then asked by an attractive researcher to fill out a survey. They were more likely than those who walked across a less scary bridge to give the researcher a call later on, mistaking the physiological arousal from their fear response to the shaky bridge (increased heart rate, feeling a bit warm,

3. Garlic
Another provocatively shaped food, garlic is associated with increased blood circulation, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. "Better blood flow to the genitals creates greater arousal for men and women," Men's Health reports.

Garlic is also a traditional aphrodisiac in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. It is one of the five pungent roots monks were told to avoid

4. Alcohol
As Shakespeare wrote in "The Tragedy of Macbeth": "Lechery, sir, it provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance..."

In moderation, however, alcohol can lower inhibitions without the unfortunate side effect of decreased performance. A 2009 study conducted by the University of Florence also found that women who drank one to two glasses

5. Chocolate
Sex isn't all about the physical act; there's a good deal of mental stimulation necessary before one is in "the mood." Taking a bite or two of chocolate can help.

The cocoa-packed treat contains a compound called phenylethylamine, which floods the body with serotonin and endorphins creating that loving feeling, according to Fitbie. While a study found that a boost in sexual desire after eating

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