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This story just goes to show that no job and no proceed is too small if you dedicate enough time, passion, and dedication into it. Definitely God has to be behind such a business so in all your endeavors, please put Him first.
I found this story on the "Humans of Lagos" page, and it is just so beautiful and inspirational. Take a look at it after the jump:
I built a 4 bedroom flat for my mum through my corn proceeds. I lost my father when I was young and even tho he was not there to guide and advise me, I knew where I came from and I did not need anyone to sit me down before I did the right thing.
I've been doing this business since my teenage years, I'm also a caterer and a fashion designer but once it's corn season, I leave it and face corn. It hasn't been easy tho, I have to back my baby while standing and I only go home to see my husband on weekends. Nobody that knows me will believe I sell corn here.
As long as there is life, there is hope. Be determined and keep working hard Readers, anything is possible! 

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