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As a Christian and an internation­al businesswoman, Mrs. Vivian Amadife’s greatest wish was an op­portunity to personally meet Rev­erend Father Ejike Mbaka, a Catholic priest based in Enugu. Moved by her belief that as soon as she gets to meet the priest, her life and businesses will improve, she was excited when her friend of 10 years introduced her to one Dr Ohamadike, founder of Esoteric World Discovery Limited.

She was told that Dr Ohamadike is highly spiritual that Father Mbaka found him worthy to be a friend. The quest, she alleged, costs her a house and about N97 million. She reported the incident to Economic and Financial Crimes Commis­sion (EFCC) which recovered her house and still investigating the N97million alleged fraud.

While narrating her ordeal to Saturday Sun, Vivian called on Nigerians to be wary of such persons whom she alleged defrauded her. She claimed that her desire to tell her sto­ry was as a result of several threats to her life to drop the case or die and to prevent victims from getting trapped.
“In business, there are bound to be ups and downs. I had so many of them and needed to bounce back. I am a spiritual per­son who believes so much that with God all things are possible. This was why I became a fan of Reverend Mbaka.
“I told Obiageli whom I thought was a re­liable friend that one of my greatest wishes was to have an audience with Father Mbaka. I knew quite well that if he lays his hands on me, my life and businesses will never remain the same. Obiageli told me that her spiritual father, Dr Ohamadike has direct access to Fa­ther Mbaka. To further convince me, she told me that she had personally witnessed where Father Mbaka called him and they spoke for more than two hours.
“I was carried away with my desire to meet Father Mbaka, that was how I fell into their trap. It was easy for him to tell me any­thing and I will fall for it. When I finally met Father Mbaka at my brother-in-law’s burial, he felt bad. He was screaming and said that he warned people to stop using his name to lie and steal. He also made it clear that nem­esis will surely catch up with them and they will be exposed.
“Although we currently have several cases in court, I want to use this medium to tell Ni­gerians to be wary of those they trust espe­cially those that parade themselves as people of God. If anyone could have told me that my supposedly dearest friend would conspire to dupe me, I would swear that it is a lie. I have moved on despite the many threats from them. They threatened to kill me if I do not drop the case. Well, you know if you have God by your side and do not do things that are questionable, you should not be afraid, especially when you go to equity with clean hands,” she said.

On when and how she became Obiageli’s friend, she alleged that they met over 10 years ago.
“It all started sometime in 2003, when the Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Dr. On­aga introduced both of us at an event. Then I was building an industry in Enugu and she was producing pure water. Considering the link, I was at peace to be friends with her since I do not know anybody in Enugu State.
“Initially, I used to stay in the hotel when­ever I visited till she lured me into staying in her house at 1, Ideoha Street, Independence Layout. Then her housegirl used to do the cooking till she decided to be doing it her­self,” Vivian said.
Humbled, Vivian felt honoured when her newfound friend decided to prepare her every meal.
 “For a long time, she had tried fruit­lessly to introduce me to her spiritual friend, whose nickname was Dr Ohamadike. She told me that it was the man’s prayer that made it possible that as rich as she was, kidnappers and armed robbers had never remembered her. I never took her seriously till kidnappers picked my friend’s son. Although the boy was later found, the family paid so much money. I was made to believe that it was his interven­tion that saw to the release of the boy. Before then I had parted with 1000 dollars which I was asked to pay to facilitate the prayers that will touch the heart of the kidnappers to re­lease the boy.
“When I realised that his demand was becoming outrageous, I informed my friend who told me that if I don’t give money to Ohamadike that I will not experience any form of miracle. It was then that I was made to believe that Ohamadike was one of Mba­ka’s close friends and confidants. She assured me that my business which was at a dwin­dling stage will surely pick up. She told me that Ohamadike was the only one that can assist me to get quick appointment with the priest.
“To further confuse me, my only son de­veloped acute stomachache. It was so bad that all efforts to get a cure failed. Desper­ate not to lose my son, I consulted him. He told me that before he cures anyone that he must conduct a spiritual search through his ministry known as Esoteric World Discovery Limited,” Vivian said.
According to Vivian, she further got trapped when Dr Ohamadike assured her that the American business that she got involved with will further yield her so much money.
 “I was fully convinced that he was real not knowing that my supposed friend was shar­ing my life story with him. I was ready to do anything possible to make progress in life. I trusted him and the prayer that he was con­ducting on my behalf. Most especially I had hope that he was working on getting me an appointment with Father Mbaka. He told me that God was using him on behalf of Mbaka to bless me.
“He came and said that he was into foreign exchange which I agreed to fund. I even con­tacted my friend to be part of the Forex trad­ing and she invested about N16million. All the money was paid directly into the man’s Esoteric World Discovery Limited account.
“In fact, it was Pamela that told me that we were in a fraudulent transaction. She came to my house crying that she has lost her money. I tried to assure her but she told me that Dr Ohamadike had emptied his account. I had to pay the N16 million back to Pamela with my own money in order to convince her that I was not part of the scam and again, her yell­ing was becoming uncontrollable. I later went to Obiageli who introduced me to Dr Ohama­dike and told her to call the man, because I knew they were still talking on the phone. I also told her the story of how the man bolted with Pamela’s money. She kept assuring me that the man said he would bring back the money,” she narrated.

After two weeks of endless wait, Vivian decided to take the matter to EFCC.

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