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how to produce more spermThis is a bit of a taboo topic for most men, but we’re going to strip away the embarrassment and unveil the truth about how to produce more sperm.
There are so many reasons why men would want to know how to produce more sperm. Perhaps they are wanting to start a family or looking for a new way to amp up the pleasure in their relationship.
This intimate subject is kept hush hush because men often don’t feel comfortable discussing it. The problem is, keeping it quiet doesn’t help you get answers.
Here I am going to help you learn how to increase sperm volume, how to increase ejaculation and teach you about what increases sperm count.
There are a few things you may want to know right off the bat. First of all, an increased sperm count does not necessarily mean there will be more pleasure between you and your partner.
Secondly, having adequate blood flow to your nether regions is important for increasing sperm. While this can increase volume, that doesn’t mean you will have quality sperm.
To tackle some of these issues, you have a few options, so listen up.

Trick #1: Take It Easy

If you seriously want to know how to produce more sperm, you will need to pick your moments wisely. This means you should try and reduce how frequently you ejaculate during the week. In other words, stop jerking off!
If you are masturbating multiple times a day, you are hindering the amount of sperm your body is able to produce. The reason for this is simple, your body just can’t keep up with that kind of volume.
The best way I know of how to increase sperm volume is to give yourself a break. Go a few days (2-3 days) without any sort of ejaculation, then try. There will definitely be a major difference in volume, trust me.

Trick #2: Take Better Care Of Yourself

Another tip on how to increase sperm load is by making a few more lifestyle changes. Commit yourself to a healthier lifestyle.
We fail to see the link between unhealthy choices and this sort of issue, but it is there. Drinking too much alcohol and being a regular smoker can seriously hinder your ability to produce more sperm. Not even that, but it will reduce the quality of your sperm as well.

What increases sperm count is paying more attention to your body and giving it what it needs. Exercise regularly to increase blood flow all over your body. This increased blood circulation will help deliver the necessary nutrients needed to produce sperm faster and give it a little extra power if you know what I mean.
Another reason to exercise is that excess body weight can actually reduce your natural ability to produce sperm.

Trick #3: Eat These Foods

It’s no surprise that our diet makes a huge difference when it comes to increasing sperm count. If you really want to know how to produce more sperm, then by eating more of these foods, I guarantee you’ll get larger, fuller ejaculations:

#1: Garlic

Most experts classify garlic as a ‘sexual superfood’ as it contains a lot of selenium, which helps to increase sperm motility (keeps them alive for longer). Garlic is also great as it helps to increase blood flow, allowing your body to produce a much higher sperm count as well as more semen.

#2: Walnuts

One thing that most men miss in their diet is a rich source of omega fats. It’s these fats that are heavily used in the production of sperm.
Try taking a packets of walnuts to work with you each day and slowly munch them down over the course of the day.

#3: Oysters

I know, I know. We all can’t be eating oysters every day as they are expensive. However if you can afford to have them in your diet once a week, they are by far the best food for increasing sperm and semen production.
They contain a ton of zinc, which is used as the main building block of testosterone. And more testosterone will automatically mean more sperm.
If you don’t want to be eating oysters all day, then a good idea would be to take a specialized zinc supplement, just like the one I’m about to talk about now…

This Supplement WILL Help You Produce More Sperm

If you seriously want to know how to make more sperm, then I’m telling you right now – taking the right supplement is definitely the best way to go. 
Most sperm supplements help to increase your blood flow and circulation, which then helps to increase your sperm count and overall quality. However only not all supplements are made the same.
When choosing one, look for ingredients like:
  • L-arginine
  • Creatine
  • And most importantly Zinc
The one I’ve been using for a while now is called Performer 5 and that link will take you to the direct supplier. As always, read through the ingredients list before you decide to order. Source: http://www.howtoproducemoresperm.net/

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