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Hia! What will I not hear oo! Biko, read this report from Mirror UK. A woman reveals her horror injuries after claiming her husband bit off her nose and swallowed it in anger.

The man reportedly launched the sickening assault because she didn't answer his phone calls the previous evening.

The horrific attack, believed to have taken place in Dezhou in Northwestern China, left her in need of hospital treatment.

The woman claims that her husband called her in the early hours of the morning after a night shift at work on September 6, and she didn't answer because she was too tired. Furious, the man confronted his wife at her home the next day and the two got into a heated fight.

At one point he grabbed her, locked his teeth onto her nose and ripped the thing off, she told police.The woman was taken to a hospital in Jinan, where doctors found that her entire nose, including the soft tissue, was gone.

When asked whether she'd managed to collect the disconnected body part for reattachment, she gravely informed the surgeons that her husband had eaten it.

In the footage it is clear to see that the woman no longer has much of a nose left even as her face is wrapped in bandages.

As the doctors removed the dressings, which are soaked in blood, her face has been blurred out because of the wound's gruesome appearance.

Police said they have launched an investigation to find the husband, who has since gone missing.

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