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Gay in Gay there, Most people even though under the Nigeria Constitution knew being a Gay is a punishable offence but many will agree with me that there are still some guys who practices the immoral acts secretly.If you dont agree read on as a guy shares his encounter with a gay he metwhen he was just 16 years 

Let me share my own experience. When I was 16, I was approached my an elderly man on the road on a sunday morning while on my way to church. He told me I was handsome and he would like to be my friend, I was surprised and didn't know what to say, so I told him no problem but that I was on my way to church.

He took my num and said he was gonna call me, while I continued to church I was just wondering and pondering. So on that sunday evening he called me and asked if I would love some ice cream, hmm 'ice cream keh', I said in my mind. Then I asked where he was and he said he was in his house dat I should come over, wen. I come he was gonna go get d ice cream, dat was wen warning bells started ringing in my head. 

I then told him OK, den he gave me his address, of course I didn't go cos c'mon, wat d hell? Wat kind of a man to man friendship starts dat way, he kept on calling and calling even sent a text but I ignored everything. That day passed, I tot I had been saved. 

I was just walking home at night from where I went to get something, lo and behold, I ran into dis same man, my heart sinked into my stomach. He smiled at me and we exchanged plesantries, but when we shook hands, dis man placed my hand on his dick and started rubbing my hands at dat area, immediately I pulled my hand, I was shocked! He then said he'll call me tomorrow which was d next day so I can come know his house, imagine d bastard still telling me he'll call me after d nonsense he had just done, I just walked away. 

That was d day I know baba God answers prayer, as I got home I just said a prayer to God that I don't ever want to see or meet dis man in my life again except you want me to be gay,Lol ( sometimes we can threaten god through prayer), and beloveth from dat day till dis day I never saw d man again and he never called again.

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