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Agreed! Everybody wants to have a great sexual experience but some people seems not to be enjoying their sexual moments due to some reasons i will love to share with you.

-Poor communication: In the bedroom, sometimes a little guidance is in order. Se.x is all about communication. If you don’t tell your partner what you want, how will he/she know exactly what you
need to reach your peak? 

There are a variety of ways you can communicate – and it doesn’t all have to be verbal. Body language makes a powerful statement and could the one simple solution. 

-Bad body image: It’s hard to be in the mood for se.x when you don’t feel good about yourself.

Many people struggle with the desire for se.x because they don’t
feel attractive.Take the time to pamper yourself great se.x starts long before you enter the bedroom.

Physical activity boosts feel-good endorphins – engage in some gym time to boost your confidence.

- Anxiety can also lead to a chil in sexual intimacy

Wishing you a wonderful moment ahead.ks

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