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As seen on Enyeama’s Instagram yesterday.
”Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of whatsoever,I fear no evil for thou oh God JEHOVAH is with me.I didn’t have a problem with Chief Oibginde,Chukwu,Equavon,Berti vogts,Lars Lagerback, Keshi. Under Berti Vogts, I WAS INJURED. it was a match against Ugandan that we won 1/0. The coach decided to stick to Austine Ejide after that match because Ejide had a great game.

ONE QUESTION to everyone: Who would be happy after just burying your mother that carried you 9months in the womb and suffered for you day and night, jumping on a 6hour plane to represent your fatherland only to be stripped of the captainship and humiliated at the first meeting in front of everyone after serving the nation for 13years.

I have honoured about 99% of the national team invitations no matter where the match is played. Anyway, my decision to quit the national team is for the best interest of the nation. I don’t want to be the reason that Nigerian football house is divided. I want Nigeria to get back up to where it belongs. It’s a professional decision made for the blessing of the nation.I am very sorry for being the reason that all this things are happening.

God bless NIGERIA#wearenigeriag.

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