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Another example of the laughable concept of “moderate Islam” was seen in a horrific series of attacks this week in Indonesia.
Home to the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia is widely considered a “moderate” Muslim-majority nation.
But as with much of the Muslim world these days, radicalism in on the rise.
The province of Aceh in Indonesia became the first in the nation to have officially introduced Sharia law — strict adherence to Islamic law.
So what did they do after adopting Koranic law?
Within days, they decided that every Christian church in the province needed to be “licensed” under Sharia, and were thus illegal, as the BBC reported.
So did they petition to government to fine them for this non-existent crime? Of course not.
The savages decided to burn the Churches to the ground…

So a mob of nearly 750 Muslims in Aceh attacked a church and burned it down…and then another after that.

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