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Ehhmm...Have you ever wondered what s*x would look like captured on an MRI scan? No?  Neither had we, but you're about to find out anyway.

These amazing images were captured for scientific purposes of course, the Irish Mirror reports.
The incredible montage of hundreds of scans also shows a birth, people speaking and a pair of lungs breathing.

It also exposes every detail of a fairly intimate moment, starting with the heart beating faster as two people kiss.

According to the British Medical Journal the scenes were filmed to find out whether taking images of the male and female genitals during s*x is possible.

The study also hoped to find out whether ideas about the anatomy during sex and during female sexual arousal are based on fact or assumption.

A BMJ boffin said: "Taking magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the male and female genitals during coitus is feasible and contributes to understanding of anatomy."

Unlike X-rays and CAT scans, MRI scans don't use harmful radiation allowing doctors to take more pictures.

It produces detailed images through magnetic fields that map the position of water molecules, which exist at different densities in different types of tissue.

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