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virgin mary
Silhouette of the Virgin Mary has appeared above the conflagrant forest in Paramillo y El Rosa, in the San Sebastian region of Cauca, Colombia.
Father Pito has photographed an unusual phenomenon strongly resembling a mother of God silhouette flying above the forest which has been devastated by the fire. Locals believe that it may be a sign from heaven that their lives are about to change.
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:ocals believe that it may be a sign from heaven
One of the villagers commented on the image: “This is good news for our area which is so dry in the summer, because the virgencita (little virgin) is going to illuminate us and she is going to help us get through this.

virgin mary
The fire has destroyed many people’s homes
For all of those who had to leave with their possessions, who are now on the street, in whatever way we can, we will move forward.
virgin mary
Six people have been injured, four are missing and hundreds have been made homeless

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