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If you’re hoping to pick the perfect Christmas gift for your wife this year, it might not be as difficult as you think.
According to a recent SheSpeaks survey, 47% of women prefer to receive a gift they’ve hinted at wanting but that forces the gift giver to make ‘the final selection.’
Did you miss the hints? It’s not too late. Here are some ideas for figuring out what she really wants for Christmas:
One of her favorite things
Make a list of her favorite things, everything from her favorite color to her favorite leisure activity. Then think about how you can use that knowledge to look for a gift.
For instance:
Does she love the color yellow? Get her a few accent pieces for her living room in her favorite shade, like some new throw pillows, an area rug or window treatments.
Does she have more books than bookcases? Pick out a new set of shelves so she can set up her little library in a corner of her room.
Has her wardrobe outgrown her current dresser? Increase her storage with a new dresser or figure out a new organization system for the closet.
A reason to dress up
There is a regrettable dearth of reasons for women to dress up these days. If your wife loves formal occasions or going out to eat, give her a real reason to dress up. Choose a date, pick out some new jewelry (you’ll get extra points if you can pick something she likes without needing her input), and get a gift card to her favorite restaurant or pay for some community dance lessons. She’ll have as much fun anticipating and getting ready for the outing as she will actually going on it.

Homemade gifts
Money a little tight this holiday season? Something homemade can be just as special as a store bought gift. What skills can you utilize to create something she’ll love? Can you write music, sing a song, do woodworking, make dinner or change the oil in her car? She’ll love the personal touch and the idea that you’ve spent so much time thinking about her.
Something personalized
There are lots of fun ways to personalize Christmas gifts these days. Does the woman for whom you’re buying gifts have kids? She might like a necklace or bracelet with each of their birthstones. Does she take more pictures than she knows what to do with? Print off a photo book full of her favorite images. Does she love hot drinks? Order a mug with her favorite quote printed on the side. Is she connected at the hip to her smartphone? Create a personalized hard case for it. The ways to personalize Christmas gifts is as varied as the women you shop for.
An excuse to relax
Women never relax as much as they should. This holiday season, try giving your wife the excuse she needs to rest for once. A gift certificate to a day spa or massage therapist is a good start. Or you could create a home oasis with a comfy new recliner so she can put her feet up or stylish new patio furniture she can enjoy when the weather warms up again. Pair one of these gifts with breakfast in bed or a nice foot massage and she’ll never stop singing your praises

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