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Nigerian Man Starts Preaching In London Bus And Is Told To Shut Up Or They Call The Police3_8

An annoyed female passenger who was obviously frustrated with the preacher’s refusal to get off the bus yelled at him, ‘Idiot!’ He further shocked passengers with his refusal to get off the bus and just stayed on disturbing the peace. 

It became so embarrasing that the driver stopped the bus and told the passengers he wasn’t moving the vehicle till the preacher gets off.

Another visibly angry passenger even yelled at the preacher threatening to call the police. She was even backed by another man who insisted the preacher must get off the bus or get arrested.

‘Well, it’s up to you,’ the preacher replied.

The nigerian man kept disturbing the peace all in the name of and tried to justify his actions by saying he is preaching the word of life
below is the video…
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