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Up untill now, the only way the Zika virus could be spread to people was through bites from the Aedes mosquito but owing to a reported case in Texas, health officials are now faced with new concerns after an individual contacted the virus after having s3x with an infected patient.
The development has been confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to a statement quoted in an alert by the AFP.
Dallas County Health and Human Services has received confirmation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the first Zika virus case acquired through sexual transmission in Dallas County in 2016.

The patient was infected with the virus after having sexual contact with an ill individual who returned from a country where Zika virus is present.
The virus, which has fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis as symptoms, has more devastating effect in pregnant women.
The virus has been linked with birth defects, particularly the birth of babies with small skull, brains and the tendency to have stunted growth.
And just on Yesterday February 2, the World Health Organisation declared it a global emergency after its rapid spread to some parts of Europe.

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