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This event happened in my street this afternoon. I was in my room browsing with my phone when I heard people shouting outside. At first I didn’t want to go out, but when the shouting increased I had to go outside to see what was happening.

My mom and I rushed outside to catch a glimpse of what was happening. At first we heard a guy tried to kidnap a girl in the church. Fortunately my mom saw the child’s elder brother and she made inquiry to know if the guy was caught and the child rescued, that was when we heard the shocker of our life.

The brother told us that it wasn’t a kidnapping case,but instead a fellow guy who also attend the same church with them was caught having carnal knowledge of his sister right inside the church. It was the proprietor of the school opposite the church that caught him in the act. The most annoying part was that the guy was releasing right inside the child when he was caught and he showed no sign of remorse. When the little child was interrogated, she said today wasn’t the first time it started, that they even had s*x with her yesterday which was Sunday. I had to go very close to the church to catch a glimpse of the guy. I was indeed very shock when I saw the matured guy that defiled this little girl.
The child’s parent were later alerted and the father came with some policemen and took the guy away. But before they left,one of the policemen asked the guy how many of them were involved. The guy confessed that it was his elder brother that started having carnal knowledge of the child before he followed suit. Him and his elder brother were later taking away.

Now my question here is who should be blamed. Is it the guy for having carnal knowledge of d child, or the child for not reporting such act to her mother,or the mother who wasn’t so observant as to notice what was happening to her child?

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