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Finding a good man these days seems like an impossible task and majority of the single girls are trying to find Mr. Right. It appears the good men are few and far between but they are out there somewhere. Many ladies have found and married good men who love and treat them well. The thing is you can fast, pray and wait earnestly on the Lord to send a good man your way but you will never find him if you donÂ?t leave the house. Most ladies are looking for a good man but they spend their whole live inside the comfort of their homes. How is Mr. Right supposed to see you if you keep hiding away in your house? Rather than sit at home waiting for a good man, you can actually help yourself by going to the right places. 

In a world which seems like the women outnumber the men, you can help yourself by being strategic if you do not want to remain single forever. Ladies can begin by knowing where to go, so they can at least be noticed. 

1. Church: The presence of the Lord is an awesome place to find a good man, though not all the men in church are good. One has to be careful these days when looking to find good men in church because there are so many wolves in sheep clothing there. You have to take your time and study any man you meet in church just as you would any other man you meet elsewhere.
2. Wedding Parties, Parties: Many women have found good men during wedding ceremonies. A lot of women have married men who they met at a wedding party, so you could be one of the lucky ones. ItÂ?s not only at wedding parties you can find a good man, you can find him at any other party.
3. Clubs: Some people say the only place people donÂ?t pretend is at the club. There you find different characters. You never know, you just might find a good man who will love and respect you in the club. Some ladies have met their significant other in the club and you could be one of them.
4. Business Conferences: There still quite a few single, ambitious, smart men at seminars and business conferences. DonÂ?t be shy to start a conversation, ask who he is, what he does and so on but be sure to check he is not wearing a wedding band or has a ring or tan lines. 

5. The Work Place: Where you work is an excellent place to find a good man, except in situations where it is forbidden to date your colleague. You can get to know a lot about this guy by watching him from a distance before you make yourself noticed.
6. Bars: Most people feel only irresponsible people can be found in bars but it is not so. Some ladies have met responsible, loving men in the bars. Bars attract different kinds of people, the good, the bad, the ugly and you might get lucky and meet one of the good ones
7. Your Neighbourhood: Mr. Right might just be right under your nose and you are busy looking for him in places he doesnÂ?t exist. Your neighbourhood is one of the places you can actually find a good man. 

8. The Internet Â? Social Media sites like Facebook and Instagram are good for more than just updating your status and looking at other peopleÂ?s photos. Plenty of single people are on these sites just waiting to meet someone they can fall in love with. I have seen some people meet and fall in love with people they met on the internet. Some even got married. However, one has to be careful with meeting people on the internet as some have lost their lives while others have been duped by those they met online.
9. Eateries, Malls: You can meet that guy in an eatery or the mall, just donÂ?t limit your options. Go out more often and you will realize there are good guys out there.
10. Family, Childhood Friends: A visit to that family friend of yours may land you a good man. Your family member can introduce you to an eligible bachelor, though this seems outdated, itÂ?s still working for some people. Also childhood friends can make very good mates. 

It may be a long time coming but there is a good man out there for you. Sometimes the best things in life take time. For example, bringing a baby into the world takes nine months but when it finally arrives, itÂ?s one of the most beautiful thing you can get out of life. 

There are good men everywhere, just calm down and donÂ?t rush into anything. It will come to you.

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