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Dear men, you think you can date any thing in skirt, huh? No, you should not. There are some women that you should not mess around. You should keep them at a distance to avoid getting what you did not bargain for…. Lol. Here, they are:

1. Your ex. It is advisable not to return to a past relationship especially if things did not end well. Yes, we remember our ex, especially when we are lonely but going back would only last for a short time, only to regret it.

2. Your wife’s best friend. She could be tempting but the end result could destroy everything you have worked hard to build. Never get too close to your wife’s friend no matter what.

3. Your Neighbor. Just because she is next door does not give you the right to go in and out. At first it could be fun but soon, she would be expecting a relationship and questioning who comes visiting and before you know it, she has moved temporarily into your apartment. Best of luck.

4. Women who have bad reputation. Run for cover. I know dating her can be fun, especially if she gives freely to any man that asks. If you can’t be seen with her outside, why stick with her?

5. The gold digger. Stay away from her, unless you want to empty your entire savings. Not only will she expect you to take care of all her needs, but will also pick faults with you and blame you for spending too much time with your family and friends.

6. Your co-worker. Maintain a high level of professionalism at your work place. Maintain only a work related relationship with your female co-workers and don’t go beyond that. Do not give into temptation by asking her out for a drink after work or you would end up starting what you cannot finish.

7. Your friend’s ex. If you value your friendship with your friend, avoid dating his ex. Word will go around your circle of friends and it will do no good to your reputation. Besides, it could strain your relationship. Also, the lady might be trying to get back at him through you. Avoid being used.

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