Ladies always want to be on their best behaviour when meeting someone for the first time.

So, of course, the chance of squeezing in a little white lie to impress her date is almost inevitable.

Guys, would you like to know some of the things ladies lie about on a first date? Cosmopolitan's Lane Moore sums them up below:

  1. "It was so nice meeting you." This is the polite thing to say after spending two hours with you and nearly falling asleep while all you talked about was yourself, so I will say that so I can get to my car faster.

  2. "Let's do this again some time." Maybe in 2165. I should have some time that year and god knows I can't wait to hear more of your cool racist jokes again. 

  3. "Here's my phone number." FYI, sometimes it doesn't work/I throw it into a river on purpose. So I might not pick up but totally take it because I'm too afraid to tell you I never want to talk to you again.

  4. "I'm really busy this week." Also, please don't ask me what I'll be busy doing. I'll mostly just be praying that you don't text me and hoping I can go out with someone I actually like at some point in the next 20 years. I'll be busy with that one for a while.

  5. *Laughs at joke that was not funny at all because you stared at me like if I didn't laugh you'd cry.* But truly it was a terrible joke.

  6. "Tell me more about your love of waterskiing." I'm asking because I really wonder and not because I have no idea what else to talk to you about because you haven't said anything in five minutes.

  7. "Yes, Star Wars is the greatest movie of all time, totally." I mean, it has almost no women in it at all and I saw it when I was, like, 10 but you seem really happy to talk about it so, sure. It's great.

  8. "I just came from work!" Definitely didn't stop somewhere to do my makeup. From 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. my makeup always stays in place and looks perfect and I definitely also always wear this much. Of course. Absolutely.
  9. "These heels are actually super comfortable for walking." No, my feet aren't numb from the pain. I could definitely keep walking around after dinner even though you did not tell me we'd be walking for miles so I wore stilettos. This is so great.