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In this thread I am going to be revealing 3 major mistakes guys make that is ruining their chances of getting the girl they like to like them back.

As a matter of fact; the problem with these mistakes is that most guys make them and still don't know it is the major reason why girls they like don't take them seriously. Infact, they think it is romantic to make these mistakes

I received a lot of messages this week from guys who have been having the problem of "not been taken seriously by a girl they like"

That is not a nice feeling, trust me. To like a girl and not been liked in return can be very frustrating.

As a matter of fact, if a girl initially likes you and you behave in these 3 ways I am about to reveal right now - it will turn her off in an instant.

The messages I got were over a hundred plus...and guess what?

Every single one of them were doing all these 3 mistakes...all of them.

And so I decided to write about it, at least, to save them and some other guys out there from falling into the same pit.

Are you ready?

The three mistakes are these:

1. Chewing Guming.
2. Surrendering
3. Not getting it.

Don't mind those names; I know they sound silly *smiles* just Stay with me, I will explain them one by one.


Find any girl and ask her right now - like, get any girl in here now and ask her how she regards guys who behaves in these following ways.

One; If a girl doesn't reply your messages and you start sending her messages like:
- "talk to me now",
- "why are you treating me this way".
- "Hey, hey. I just sent you a message. Reply now"

AUTOMATICALLY - she regards you as a pest - and when a girl starts seeing you this way there is no way she is going to EVER date you.


Because behaving this way makes her see you as someone who doesn't have self worth. She sees you as a beggar of love and attention and girls hate guys who beg for attention. It's just not manly, it makes you appear like a boy - like a kid.

Two; If you call a girl too much: initially she might like this but when you keep doing it over and over again, she starts to loose regard for you.

You need to make her miss you sometimes, bro. Most guys are guilty of this. They call a girl up and spend 20 minutes boring the poor girl to death - they even do it four times a week. Some call a girl twice every single day, Some even make it a duty to call up a girl every single day to ask her if she has eaten and how her day went.

Guy, it's boring jare. Even if na you sef. Do you like a girl who is always bugging you and showing how crazy she is about you? Of course not, you keep her aside and go for other girls who are more of a challenge. That's the same way girls view you when you do this, as somebody to be kept aside for Better guys to come in.

No matter how interesting your conversations are, you need to make your calls sparse. If she is just a friend; fine - you can call her everytime you want. But if she is someone you intend to date then you need to make her miss you sometime, make her look forward to your calls.

That is how you appear like a boyfriend material. Keep showing up all the time and she will start feeling like the only thing you do with your life is to chase her, next thing she would tell her friends you don't have a life.

Three; Asking a girl if she likes you. This one is another frequent kind of chewing gumming that most guys do.

This question makes a girl uncomfortable, big time - especially if she is not yet into you.

The other day this new girl I was seeing showed me one particular text she got from a "chyker": "Why don't you love me". The text read. "What should I do so you will like me?"

The babe laughed at the text with her hands around me while calling the guy a childish baby. Now, that pained me. My fellow guy been insulted by a girl is one thing I don't like seeing.

When you ask a girl questions like:
- "do you like me?".
- "why are you treating me this way"
- "I'm I your type?"
- etc etc...

It kills every chances of her ever been interested in you - EVER

The other day a guy showed up and was on his knee begging my cousin to date her...the way she laughed at him when he left was heartbreaking...

Actions like this puts a girl off and makes her look down on you. And trust me; a girl never dates a guy she looks down on. Unless you are rich and she wants to turn you into her maga (even at that, she will still treat you like trash and channel your money to another guy she likes)


This is one major mistake most guys make when it comes to the girls they like and you know what? This one mistake is the main reason why most girls turn them down.

If you keep making this mistake girls will either keep looking down on you or would prefer to be just friends with you instead of dating you.

Let me make this clearer:

Every girl loves a man; a real man. Someone who is in control and not someone they can control.

A girl will not see you as a man who is in control if you keep struggling and trying to impress her all the time.

It's cool to try and make an impression on a girl, be caring on her and all BUT this doesn't mean you should become and act like her slave.

Alright; let me give you an example.

Some guys get offended by a girl they like, get tongue lashed by the girl and still beg her for forgiveness (even though they were wronged) - this is not romantic, it's foolish. And when you act this way, girls will never feel butterflies with you. Even if they date you, it would be out of pity - and bro; that relationship won't work

That's just one.

I have seen cases where a guy always tried to please a girl, giving in to her every request, basically worshipping her...

...And still he got dumped.

When you surrender your manliness to a woman and becomes her slave; it will put her off. Yes, she might like you as a friend but not as a boyfriend - no woman dates her slave.

You have to project value.

- If a girl makes you angry, tell her - don't just smile and act like you like what she did.

Be a man. Be in control. Don't go around begging her for love; because you see guys doing it in movies doesn't mean it works in real life.

Every girl will tell you they want a guy who worships them but still, worship them and see how it goes - worship them and they will tell you that they like you as a friend but can't date you.

Look for any pretty girl who has a boyfriend she is in love with, you will notice that she is the one always trying to impress the guy and not the other way round.

Girls love a man who is in control. 

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